Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question.

So if the signal drop is caused by the hand physically blocking antennae...

Apple is trying to convince us that this issue "exists in all smartphones" and that its caused by the hand physically blocking the antennae. Heres their education on it:


However, if the case is the hand blocking the antennae, as they want us to believe, then how come the iPhone4's signal problems can be reproduced without even touching the phone?

There are many videos of the phones antennae being shorted with a house key, part of a paper clip, etc, with the users hand nowhere near the phone. In fact, the person could stand 100 yards away and zoom in and see the signal gone with just a staple covering the black line.

Basically what I'm saying is, just because the result is similar does not mean its the same issue.

They should have announced a hardware fix, along with the bumpers for now. A simple polymer coating of the antennae, to reduce conductivity, would have fixed the problem, not required new FCC approval, and cost probably 25 cents per phone to implement.

Message was edited by: kre62

iPhone4, iOS 4

Posted on Jul 16, 2010 12:30 PM

313 replies

Jul 16, 2010 5:41 PM in response to AvgGuy

You believe Apple and Steve Jobs are arrogant and full of arrogance - we get it.

Now what are you prepared to do about it - besides posting the same on a user to user help forum for technical support issues and questions over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?

Do something about it.

Jul 16, 2010 5:45 PM in response to Allan Sampson

I will ask this uncomfortable question again and I'll keep asking it until one of you Apple Kool-Aid drinkers can answer it. So here we go:

If the Iphone 4 has the BEST reception of any Iphone according to Mr. Jobs (and he says that time and again) how is it possible that the Iphone 4 drops more calls than the 3GS? Is this out of the "Bill Clinton playbook"? Depends on what the definition of 'is' is? I'll wait, that's OK.

Jul 16, 2010 5:49 PM in response to vidguy7

Well, I currently own Samsung, Motorola, LG and several other manufacturers products. The ones I didn't like, I didn't buy. The ones I thought would work but didn't, got returned. That's the away an ADULT manages his purchases. Apple is no exception to those rules. I have both returned and decided not to buy apple products.

THIS phone is acceptable to me. It is my opinion, having used every previous model of iPhone, that it is the best one yet. There were far worse problems with some of the others.

Apparently it is not acceptable to others. I would EXPECT them not to buy or if they already bought to return it and look for a better solution. But I must be out of touch with reality because it seems that the correct response is to make a shortcoming with a phone into a political discussion and cry like a little ***** on a message board.

Jul 16, 2010 5:51 PM in response to w7ox

w7ox wrote:
kre62 wrote:
And the iphone4 antennae can be detuned by any object bridging the black line. Thus this problem is iphone4 only.

Detuning can occur due to conductors or hands in close proximity to an antenna. So it can and does occur with all cell phones to some extent.


Yep. You are right about this. However it is not relevant to what I am saying. I am saying that the method of detuning is different between the other phones and the iPhone4. Yes. The method. Not the fact that detuning exists.

And I am submitting that the method of detuning on the 4 is a fundamental design flaw that Apple tried to gloss over by saying detuning happens on all phones. However their detuning is not equal to ip4's hardware flaw based detuning.

Jul 16, 2010 5:51 PM in response to kre62

kre62 wrote:

Others have pointed this out, but it bears repeating. The fact that Jobs said that the iphone4 drops "less than one more call per 100" is very telling. He chose his words very wisely. Many interpreted that to mean less than 1% more than the 3GS. However, as others have pointed out, if the 3GS drops 1 call per hundred, and the 4 drops 2 calls per hundred (rounding to an even 1 more per call), its actually a complete doubling of the number of calls dropped, a 100% increase. For a phone that is supposed to get better reception than the 3GS, the fact that they even admitted the 3GS does better is huge.

Message was edited by: kre62

Absolutely! I want to keep repeating this until +every single Kool-Aid drinker here understands this+. Granted, this may take some time, considerable time. The IPhone 4 does NOT get better reception and Mr. Jobs told you that today and has been lying to you prior to this conference. He knew very well that the sheep here would go 'ba ba' and believe anything they were told.

If you still think the 4 gets better reception than the 3GS, then you have no choice but to believe that Mr. Jobs is lying about his STATISTICS. So which lie would you rather challenge, the statistics or the idea that the 3GS gets better reception? I just hope some of the fanboys will finally get it and wake up and see what an utter fiasco this is.

Jul 16, 2010 5:55 PM in response to AvgGuy

AvgintelligenceGuy - try to follow.

If I were posting on Microslop's technical support forum attacking Microsoft sheep - saying how arrogant Bill Gates is for gaining his position by what was determined to be by illegal means - why he would need to do that for that swiss cheese for security mediocre garbage that is nothing but a poor copy of others hard work is beyond me, I could easily be considered a paid shill by the competion, or a TROLL.

Return your iPhone quick fast and in a hurry. If you don't and/or are still posting here tomorrow, you either don't have an iPhone 4, you are a paid shill, or you have some very serious problems.

Jul 16, 2010 5:56 PM in response to audionaut

Hint: The I4 antenna is EXTERNAL and far far far more prone to any attenuation issues from skin contact than an internal, non-direct contact antenna. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand this. Let's try it this way. Which way would you get an electrical shock: By sticking a metal paper clip that you're holding in a wall outlet or sticking a plastic spoon in that same outlet?

Jul 16, 2010 5:59 PM in response to Allan Sampson

Allan Sampson wrote:
AvgintelligenceGuy - try to follow.

If I were posting on Microslop's technical support forum attacking Microsoft sheep - saying how arrogant Bill Gates is for gaining his position by what was determined to be by illegal means - why he would need to do that for that swiss cheese for security mediocre garbage that I'd nothing but a poor copy of others hard work, I could easily be considered a paid shill by the competion, or a TROLL.

Return your iPhone quick fast and on a hurry. If you don't and/or are still posting here tomorrow, you either don't have an iPhone 4, you are a paid shill, or you have some very serious problems.

Hi Allan

I know you love your phone. And rightly so, its a good phone. I know you want validation of your purchase from others. We all do.

However, this really isn't about the phone itself, is it? This is a matter of principal. We have proven Steve Jobs wrong, and demonstrated that the company is simply not being straight with us.

Now, this might be a sound strategy for many corporations. After all, by September 30th the fickle public with limited short term memory may have completely forgotten about the issue. They could possibly be banking on that to happen.

What me, and others, are upset about is the way it's been handled. We feel like Apple is insulting our intelligence. They are calling a duck a sheep. Well this antennae issue is flapping around and quacking like a duck. I say its a dam duck personally. I.e. this is a real hardware issue, and it should be fixed.

Jul 16, 2010 5:59 PM in response to Allan Sampson

Allan Sampson wrote:
AvgintelligenceGuy - try to follow.

If I were posting on Microslop's technical support forum attacking Microsoft sheep - saying how arrogant Bill Gates is for gaining his position by what was determined to be by illegal means - why he would need to do that for that swiss cheese for security mediocre garbage that is nothing but a poor copy of others hard work, I could easily be considered a paid shill by the competion, or a TROLL.

Return your iPhone quick fast and on a hurry. If you don't and/or are still posting here tomorrow, you either don't have an iPhone 4, you are a paid shill, or you have some very serious problems.

A healthy disagreement is NOT a serious problem. Who made you Police Chief of Apple discussions? I've followed you for years but you've lost me here. The phone is a turkey. That public perception will FOREVER dog the iPhone 4.

Jul 16, 2010 6:01 PM in response to Allan Sampson

Let's try it again Allan. Why did Mr. Jobs LIE when he kept telling you prior to today that the I4 had the best reception ever? Today he tells everyone it drops twice as many calls as the 3GS and it makes no difference if it drops .00000001% more calls than the 3GS, it still DROPS MORE CALLS. Are you not bothered by these lies? Are you comfortable with these lies? Did you not know you were lied to? Is it OK because it's Steve Jobs? How's that Kool-Aid taste?

I have repeated this at least 5 times in different threads and not ONE Apple fanboy has responded. Telling, VERY TELLING.

Jul 16, 2010 6:03 PM in response to Dan Slocum

Dan Slocum wrote:

vidguy7. They BADLY POOCHED the design and now they can't handle the result of negligent craftsmanship. It won't hold up in court. Apple has a BIG black eye today.

Yup. But they don't see it, they don't WANT TO SEE IT. They were CLEARLY lied to for a long time and just can't even see THAT. If that doesn't tell you how utterly brain-washed this crowd is, nothing will. Stunning, utterly stunning.

So if the signal drop is caused by the hand physically blocking antennae...

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