music search broken
the search function in music (running on mac mini in OS 10.15.1) does not work.
it does not work.
i have roughly 11,000 "songs" (the illiterate apple term for a "track") as desktop files accessed by Music. i cannot do a global search of these "songs" with the current Music search.
let's search for "Firesign Theater", for example.
i have 17 "songs" (the illiterate apple term for a "track") by Firesign Theater in my Music. search returns only seven. why these seven, and not the other 10? who knows.
i have 5 albums by FS in my Music. search returns only one. why that one, and not the other four? who knows.
i liked the search in iTunes. put in a search word or phrase, and *every single one* of the titles, artists, albums would show up.
but that's been broken.