Thank you, this has worked!
One problem I have after the migration to Photos:
I have numbered all my photos from 1999060000.jpg to 2019120046.jpg.
When comparing the displayed photos in "Keep Sorted By Oldest" view with "Keep Sorted By Title" view
I noticed that 8 photos switch positions – the reason is that I had edited these photos which must have changed
the created and modified dates info. How can I correct the dates of already imported photos?
Could I go in the library structure and do it? Or would that not update the view?
Is a database rebuild required? How would I do this? Or is there another way?
Last thing:
I have found 3 libraries in my Pictures folder:
• Aperture Library 2.aplibrary (5 GB)
• Aperture Library.aplibrary (8 MB)
• Photos Library.photoslibrary (4 GB)
Could I delete both Aperture libraries after upgrading to Catalina?
Thanks again!