Odd, but that one digit difference will have no effect.
Crucial has a scan feature—out of curiosity you can see what it returns for RAM.
or from the terminal app you can copy and paste this PERL script:
system_profiler SPHardwareDataType SPMemoryDataType | perl -ne '
$SerialNumber = $1 if /Serial Number \S+:\s+(\S+)/;
$Processors = $1 if /Processors:\s+(\d+)/;
$Speed = $1 if /Processor Speed:\s+(.*)/;
$Name = $1 if /Processor Name:\s+(.*)/;
$Memory = $1 if /Memory:\s+(\d+\s+\S+)/;
$Phase2 = 1 if /Memory:\s*$/;
$MemSpeed = $1 if $Phase2 && /Speed:\s+(\d+\s+\S+)/;
$Type = $1 if $Phase2 && /Type:\s+(.*)/;
END { printf("%s\n%s x %s %s\n%s %s %s\n",
$Processors, $Speed, $Name,
$Memory, $MemSpeed, $Type);
(please note this includes that last comma at the end.)
it will return :
Serial number (do not post this personal info)