I can not update my iPhone, no wifi, no computer, so I’m SOL… seriously?
I do not have WiFi where I live, so why is it that I can’t just update my iOS software over LTE cellular data when I’m paying for an Unlimited data plan? Such frustrations…! Due to this painfully unpleasant obstacle, it unfortunately leaves my $1,000 pocket computer to lie vulnerable and exposed on the net to all variations of identity theft risks and/or malware/key-loggers with its outdated security signatures/frameworks etc, etc… Sometimes I’m not able to travel somewhere to connect to some cafe’s dial-up wifi JUST TO UPDATE MY iPhone SOFTWARE for weeks or months at a time regularly … I'm genuinely shocked that i even need to come on here and say any of this, it seems like un-restricting this user bottleneck barrier would have been a ‘no brainer.’