Restoring Old iMovie projects
Hey there--
So I recently found several old iMovie project folders that appear to contain all the data for a particular video, but I haven't been able to figure a way to get them back into iMovie so I can re-export the video. Any suggestions here? For example, below is a screenshot of one folder. The highlighted file is the original video clip that was imported into iMovie. I then made edits. In this case, to the audio - deleting (minimizing) original audio and adding new audio. The new audio files are in the same folder -> "02 No World...." is one of them. I assume there is some sort of file in this folder structure that would tell iMovie how to arrange the media into the edited version that I had initially saved and exported way back when.
First of all: Is this a fair assumption?
and second: How would I go about getting this project back into iMovie in it's originally edited condition?
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.13