Import csv file to contacts
How can I import a csv file to contacts?
OS X Server (Yosemite)
How can I import a csv file to contacts?
OS X Server (Yosemite)
Hello VintagePhotoScan,
I understand you need help importing a CSV file to your contacts in iCloud. I'm happy to help you out with this.
Are you using a Mac computer? If so, you can import CSV files to the Contacts app using the steps in Import contacts from other apps into Contacts on Mac, specifically this section:
"Import from other file types
Note: Before you import a tab-delimited or CSV file, use a text editor (such as TextEdit) to confirm the file is formatted correctly:
As long as you're syncing your contacts with iCloud, contacts you see on should be updated to reflect the new contacts you added to your Mac. If you don't have access to a Mac, or aren't syncing your Mac with iCloud, you can import contacts directly to, however, they have to be in the form of vCards (.vcf). You can view more on this here: Import a contact on
Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
Take care.
Import csv file to contacts