how do I get my iWeb back?
After "upgrading" to Catalina, I lost several softwares that I had BOUGHT with my previous computers, like iWeb and Microsoft Word.
How do I get iWeb back?
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.15
After "upgrading" to Catalina, I lost several softwares that I had BOUGHT with my previous computers, like iWeb and Microsoft Word.
How do I get iWeb back?
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.15
I don't want to downgrade, I want to be reimbursed for my 6 websites and thousands of hours of work.
Apple stopped supporting iWeb, iDVD and other 32 bit apps over 5 years ago. I don't know what you mean by getting reimbursed. That app died a long time ago. You need to migrate to a modern, supported web development app like EverWeb. It's user interface is similar to iWeb and allows drag and drop.
You can use it in demo mode to create your replacement web site/pages and see if it will suit your needs.
I don't want to downgrade, I want to be reimbursed for my 6 websites and thousands of hours of work.
Apple stopped supporting iWeb, iDVD and other 32 bit apps over 5 years ago. I don't know what you mean by getting reimbursed. That app died a long time ago. You need to migrate to a modern, supported web development app like EverWeb. It's user interface is similar to iWeb and allows drag and drop.
You can use it in demo mode to create your replacement web site/pages and see if it will suit your needs.
32 bit apps do not work on Catalina. If there's not an update for it, then you have two options: 1. Live with out it or 2. Downgrade. If you want to downgrade, you will have to wipe out the hard drive and then reinstall the original macOS it came with.
32-bit app compatibility with macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 and later - Apple Support
thank you uwu_senpai
I don't want to downgrade, I want to be reimbursed for my 6 websites and thousands of hours of work. Why didn't they just UpFix the software? (I'm just asking this "into the wind". It's a question Apple should be answering..)
yes, the app did die awhile ago,, but I was able to (with the help of Apple tech support) reinstall it on my 2017 iMac and it worked up till Catalina,,,, I lost several softwares when I upgraded to Catalina and they just "disappeared" without any warning or upgrade from Apple. the problem with EverWeb is that it costs money and a $$$ subscription yearly. the iWeb came with the $2000+++ Apple computer that I bought and it was not free but part of what I PAID for... and I know that all of these companies like Apple and Adobe have decided "why should we just let people use these softwares on their $2000+++ computers that they PAID FOR when we can just delete them and then turn around charge them MORE every month and then MORE for the rest of their lives and make even more trillions of dollars to add to our coffers oversees? Shame on them and their greed,,,,,,, they have no loyalty or appreciation for their customers ,, this ended years ago. and yeah, I want my money back and more importantly an admission of their greed and an apology. They can go on from now on and say,,,, "Well, this is how we are going to do it from now on" but I think they owe it to those who bought the computer years ago (and have since the 90's btw) to upgrade the softwares we bought. They don't have to reduce every single click we make to a $ sign. good grief,,,, and I just KNOW at some future upgrade ALL of my 10,000 photos I have on iPhotos/Photos will just be GONE and then some "Oh, well, we're going to charge you now for each photo you take and store and then a monthly charge vault just because we're greeeeedy" excuse. but don't worry, I have all my photos and music backed up on a floppy disk (JUST KIDDING~!)
I have ALWAYS received helpful answers from Apple- this was flat RUDE! For someone who spent hours developing a website & this it is just GONE! It is devastating! Blogs, journals, photos... STORIES! Just gone! There should have been a warning! And iWeb was a GREAT TOOL and sites still support it! SOOO the point would be LOST!!! LOST hours & memories and that SHOULD matters! Any type of HEADS up! TO have this backed up in multiple places & yet when you click on it... it just disappears is DEVASTATING! SO please go back to the original apple & BE KIND IN YOUR RESPONSES PLEASE!
What was rude about my response? I just told bluTaurus the history of iWeb's demise and suggested he try another app what many like because it's similar to iWeb.
The websites make with iWeb are not gone. They will still be online and accessible. One just can't update or change them any more.
Technology changes and avenues and we, as users, need to be capable of moving on also.
It is what it is.
how do I get my iWeb back?