Itunes sorting issue
why does itunes albums sort by 1, 10, 2, 3… istead of 1,2,3,4?
Please help.
why does itunes albums sort by 1, 10, 2, 3… istead of 1,2,3,4?
Please help.
It's because the number is being read by iTunes as text, just like a, b or c, and not as a "number". Therefore, the order will be 1, 10, 2, since the 1 (in the 10) comes before 2. Once iTunes has sorted by the 1, the zero is in effect ignored.
Sorting by numbers, so that you have 1, 2, 10 is only possible when the field is a dedicated "numbers" field. The album title field is a "text" field which means that albums beginning with numbers are actually sorted as a form of text.
So, that's why.
As for how you change it - you can't. You cannot change this behaviour, so in order for you to cope with it, you either:
Personally, I use the Songs View and have the Column Browser on as well, which means I can look though my albums by all titles, or narrow it down to a genre, or an artist.
Ironically, I cannot really use my Library to demonstrate what you are experiencing, as my number albums will not sort oddly enough to show you. However, here's some screenshots of the Songs View I use to show you how you can narrow things down:
In the screenhot above, I'm in the Songs View, looking at All Genres, All Artists and All Albums. Consequently, the song list shows both the album titled 20 Motown Hits and the album titled 20 Years of Jethro Tull.
I can select the artist Jethro Tull, which then shows all his albums in the Albums column:
Notice that the view of songs no longer shows the Motown album, but it does show other Jethro Tull albums. However, in the Albums column, I can select the album 20 Years of Jethro Tull, which then reduces the song list to only that album:
Itunes sorting issue