Rhasyab wrote:
Hello everyone. I recently just bought MBP 13inch from Nov 2019. And everytime I shut down, my screen will like this (picture) for 1 sec before completely shutting down. Is there something wrong or broken? If theres something broke, is it from hardware or software? Thanks.
Try resetting NVRAM/PRAM http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1379
Try resetting the SMC https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201295
if no resolve To trouble shoot further you can: unplug all peripheral devices.
Try a SafeBoot https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201262
Takes noticeable longer to get to the login screen, does a 5-15 minute disk repair before it fully boots up, and certain system caches get cleared and rebuilt, including dynamic loader cache, etc. Login and test. "Shutdown" and test.
This test will tell you if third party interference; extensions etc are not loaded in safe boot mode.
Test issue in another user (or guest user) account https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204443
This will tell you if it a universal issue or isolated to your user/admin account. then "Shutdown" and test.