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MacBook Pro 16 2019 10.15.4 Kernel Panic / Reboot When Plugged In -- Help!

After I I've updated to the latest release of macOS, I've experienced a weird bug every time I leave my laptop closed (still on) for more than a couple hours and plugged in.

It reboots and states the message/log below.

panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff8015216487): "AppleIntelFramebuffer::setPowerState(0xffffff81c435d000 : 0xffffff7f988bbd88, 1 -> 0) timed out after 45988 ms"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.101.6/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp:5296 Backtrace (CPU 4), Frame : Return Address 0xffffff8206263b40 : 0xffffff8014b215cd 0xffffff8206263b90 : 0xffffff8014c5a3c5 0xffffff8206263bd0 : 0xffffff8014c4bf7e 0xffffff8206263c20 : 0xffffff8014ac7a40 0xffffff8206263c40 : 0xffffff8014b20c97 0xffffff8206263d40 : 0xffffff8014b21087 0xffffff8206263d90 : 0xffffff80152c2c7c 0xffffff8206263e00 : 0xffffff8015216487 0xffffff8206263e50 : 0xffffff8015215d69 0xffffff8206263e60 : 0xffffff801522d2fe 0xffffff8206263ea0 : 0xffffff8015214b18 0xffffff8206263ec0 : 0xffffff8014b63545 0xffffff8206263f40 : 0xffffff8014b63071 0xffffff8206263fa0 : 0xffffff8014ac713e BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev Mac OS version: 19E266 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Wed Mar 4 22:28:40 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~15/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: AB0AA7EE-3D03-3C21-91AD-5719D79D7AF6 Kernel slide: 0x0000000014800000 Kernel text base: 0xffffff8014a00000 __HIB text base: 0xffffff8014900000 System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864) System shutdown begun: NO System uptime in nanoseconds: 12608815123399 last loaded kext at 12022359218282: >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 (addr 0xffffff7f98eab000, size 45056) last unloaded kext at 12193327937591: >!UAudio 322.2 (addr 0xffffff7f9bf98000, size 434176) loaded kexts: org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp 6.1.4 org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt 6.1.4 org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB 6.1.4 org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv 6.1.4 @filesystems.smbfs 3.4.2 @kext.AMDRadeonX6000 3.0.8 @kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager 3.0.8 >!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.1.16 @fileutil 20.036.15 @AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.1.16 >!AHV 1 |IOUserEthernet 1.0.1 |IO!BSerialManager 7.0.4f6 >!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8 >pmtelemetry 1 >AGPM 111.4.4 >!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0 >X86PlatformShim 1.0.0 >AGDCBacklightControl 5.1.16 >!A!IKBLGraphics 14.0.5 @Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0 >BridgeAudioCommunication 6.70.3 >!AThunderboltIP 3.1.4 >!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 3430.1 >!AHIDALSService 1 >!AAVEBridge 6.1 >!AMCCSControl 1.11 >!AMuxControl2 5.1.16 >!ABridgeAudio!C 6.70.3 >!AGFXHDA 100.1.426 >!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1 >!A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer 14.0.5 >!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0 @filesystems.autofs 3.0 >BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore 1 >BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore 1 >BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore 1 >!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe 1 @filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5 @BootCache 40 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0 >!AVirtIO 1.0 @filesystems.apfs 1412.101.1 @private.KextAudit 1.0 >!ASmartBatteryManager 161.0.0 >!AACPIButtons 6.1 >!ASMBIOS 2.1 >!AACPIEC 6.1 >!AAPIC 1.7 $!AImage4 1 @nke.applicationfirewall 303 $TMSafetyNet 8 @!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0 |EndpointSecurity 1 @kext.AMDRadeonX6100HWLibs 1.0 @kext.AMDRadeonX6000HWServices 3.0.8 |IOUSBUserClient 900.4.2 |IOAVB!F 840.3 >!ASSE 1.0 >!ABacklightExpert 1.1.0 @kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer 3.0.8 @!AGPUWrangler 5.1.16 >!AHIDKeyboard 209 >!AHS!BDriver 3430.1 >IO!BHIDDriver 7.0.4f6 >!AActuatorDriver 3440.1 >!AMultitouchDriver 3440.1 >!AInputDeviceSupport 3440.8 |IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 7.0.4f6 |IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.4f6 >!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60 >!AOnboardSerial 1.0 >!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1 >!AGraphicsControl 5.1.16 |IONDRVSupport 575.1 @kext.AMDSupport 3.0.8 @!AGraphicsDeviceControl 5.1.16 |IOAccelerator!F2 438.4.5 |IOGraphics!F 575.1 |IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0 >X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0 >IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8 @plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3 |IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0 @kext.triggers 1.0 >usb.cdc.ncm 5.0.0 >usb.cdc 5.0.0 >usb.networking 5.0.0 >usb.!UHostCompositeDevice 1.2 >!ABCMWLANCore 1.0.0 >mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8 >IOImageLoader 1.0.0 |IO80211!FV2 1200.12.2b1 >corecapture 1.0.4 |IOSkywalk!F 1 |IOSurface 269.11 @filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1 |IOAudio!F 300.2 @vecLib.kext 1.2.0 |IOSerial!F 11 >usb.!UVHCIBCE 1.2 >usb.!UVHCI 1.2 >usb.!UVHCICommonBCE 1.0 >usb.!UVHCICommon 1.0 >!AEffaceableNOR 1.0 |IOBufferCopy!C 1.1.0 |IOBufferCopyEngine!F 1 |IONVMe!F 2.1.0 >!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4 >!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.6 >!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.6 >!AHPM 3.4.4 >!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60 >!AThunderboltNHI 5.8.6 |IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.0 >usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2 >usb.!UXHCI 1.2 |IOUSB!F 900.4.2 >!AEFINVRAM 2.1 >!AEFIRuntime 2.1 >!ASMCRTC 1.0 |IOSMBus!F 1.1 |IOHID!F 2.0.0 $quarantine 4 $sandbox 300.0 @kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1 >!AKeyStore 2 >!UTDM 489.101.1 |IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.101.1 >!ACredentialManager 1.0 >KernelRelayHost 1 >!ASEPManager 1.0.1 >IOSlaveProcessor 1 >!AFDEKeyStore 28.30 >!AEffaceable!S 1.0 >!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5 @kext.CoreTrust 1 |CoreAnalytics!F 1 |IOTimeSync!F 840.3 |IONetworking!F 3.4 >DiskImages 493.0.0 |IO!B!F 7.0.4f6 |IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.4f6 |IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.101.3 |IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.101.1 |IO!S!F 2.1 |IOUSBHost!F 1.2 >usb.!UCommon 1.0 >!UHostMergeProperties 1.2 >!ABusPower!C 1.0 |IOReport!F 47 >!AACPIPlatform 6.1 >!ASMC 3.1.9 >watchdog 1 |IOPCI!F 2.9 |IOACPI!F 1.4 @kec.pthread 1 @kec.corecrypto 1.0 @kec.Libm 1

Not sure what they changed but this did NOT happen before the update.

Things I've tried:

  • SMC Reset
  • PRAM Reset
  • Soft Reset
  • Hard Reset

I still experience this issue everyday.

MacBook Pro 16", macOS 10.15

Posted on Mar 28, 2020 1:48 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Apr 17, 2020 1:41 AM

I recently bought a brand-new MBP 16' too and I experienced several crashes each day even though I had update it to the lastest version of MacOS. I am also very disappointed about Apple's software quality.

What helped was the following:

  • Reset System Management Controllers (SMC) according to the instructions given here (sorry, just the German link; please look for the corresponding English version)


  • Additionally I reset the NVRAM or PRAM even though I don't really know if was necessary:


  • Additionally I turned off power nap in the energy control.

I did all steps after the latest update of MacOS.

Since then no more crashes.

Let uns know if this help for you too.

Stay healthy!

325 replies
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Jun 10, 2020 7:33 PM in response to iTimC21

I got a new one today, very strange. I was using the laptop plugged in to my dock, also had the lid open. I wanted to undock so I ejected all of my external drives, closed the lid and unplugged the TB3 cable. I took the laptop right up stairs, just a few mins later and opened the lid to continue and it was just black screening me, however the keyboard backlight was on and the TouchBar was also on. I let it sit for a minute to see if the screen was going to come back on, and nothing. It eventually just shut down, so I pressed the power button to try and get it turned back on. After a few attempts it decided to boot back up, and then I got the error below. This is on 10.15.5 with second patch.

Power button pressed during wake transition after 43476 ms. Failure code:: 0x03405f90 00000031 ================================================================ Date/Time: 2020-06-10 17:49:09 -0400 OS Version: ??? ??? (Build ???) Architecture: x86_64 Report Version: 29 Data Source: Stackshots Shared Cache: 0x86cf000 049F9061-D68D-3736-AA67-4F77CCDE8144 Event: Sleep Wake Failure Duration: 0.00s Steps: 1 Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev Time Awake Since Boot: 69000s Process: kernel_task [0] UUID: 54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF Architecture: x86_64 Version: Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Tue May 26 20:41:44 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64 Footprint: 44.21 MB Start time: 2020-06-10 17:49:09 -0400 End time: 2020-06-10 17:49:09 -0400 Num samples: 1 (1) Thread 0x6b 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1528956) [0xffffff800037547c] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x6c 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1528956) [0xffffff800037547c] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x6e 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2290644) [0xffffff800042f3d4] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x6f Thread name "IOServiceTerminateThread" 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8447380) [0xffffff8000a0e594] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x9b Thread name "idle #2" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0x9e Thread name "idle #4" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xa4 Thread name "idle #8" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xa7 Thread name "idle #10" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xaa Thread name "idle #12" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xad Thread name "idle #14" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xb0 Thread name "idle #1" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xb3 Thread name "idle #3" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xb6 Thread name "idle #5" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xb9 Thread name "idle #7" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xbc Thread name "idle #9" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xbf Thread name "idle #11" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xc2 Thread name "idle #13" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xc5 Thread name "idle #15" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1329288) [0xffffff8000344888] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1328839) [0xffffff80003446c7] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2410256) [0xffffff800044c710] (runnable) 1 Thread 0xed 1 sample (1) priority 97 (base 97) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<4589419D-7CCC-39A9-9E2F-F73FE42DD902> + 56756) [0xffffff7f80db6db4] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x172 Thread name "AppleANS2Controller" 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8570296) [0xffffff8000a2c5b8] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x173 Thread name "AppleANS2Controller" 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8570296) [0xffffff8000a2c5b8] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x1ae 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<E8865550-525E-3E0A-8BEA-D96D9CD57917> + 182587) [0xffffff7f83a9a93b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x1af 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<E8865550-525E-3E0A-8BEA-D96D9CD57917> + 182587) [0xffffff7f83a9a93b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x1b0 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<E8865550-525E-3E0A-8BEA-D96D9CD57917> + 182587) [0xffffff7f83a9a93b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x1b1 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<E8865550-525E-3E0A-8BEA-D96D9CD57917> + 182587) [0xffffff7f83a9a93b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x324 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 7340088) [0xffffff8000900038] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 6853672) [0xffffff8000889428] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x348 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0 and passive> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<E8865550-525E-3E0A-8BEA-D96D9CD57917> + 913703) [0xffffff7f83b4d127] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 6853437) [0xffffff800088933d] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247827) [0xffffff8000330a53] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x7c3 Thread name "IOBluetoothHostControllerUARTTransport" 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8570070) [0xffffff8000a2c4d6] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8572638) [0xffffff8000a2cede] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8578573) [0xffffff8000a2e60d] 1 *1 ??? (<3F58720F-A51D-32A4-905C-59BBE42C27B1> + 13697) [0xffffff7f83dde581] 1 *1 ??? (<3F58720F-A51D-32A4-905C-59BBE42C27B1> + 11029) [0xffffff7f83dddb15] 1 *1 ??? (<E5447957-C2A9-3398-8C2E-CDAB49B69ACE> + 30859) [0xffffff7f8452b88b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8583912) [0xffffff8000a2fae8] 1 *1 ??? (<E5447957-C2A9-3398-8C2E-CDAB49B69ACE> + 32017) [0xffffff7f8452bd11] 1 *1 ??? (<E5447957-C2A9-3398-8C2E-CDAB49B69ACE> + 47874) [0xffffff7f8452fb02] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x7c6 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8583912) [0xffffff8000a2fae8] 1 *1 ??? (<015D81B6-C6AC-339B-BAA9-9EBA3D14DA61> + 245945) [0xffffff7f8162a0b9] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8577419) [0xffffff8000a2e18b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8572076) [0xffffff8000a2ccac] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x7d3 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8583912) [0xffffff8000a2fae8] 1 *1 ??? (<7C98D93E-9F3B-39F9-B857-B0957F918DD2> + 8959) [0xffffff7f815e12ff] 1 *1 ??? (<7C98D93E-9F3B-39F9-B857-B0957F918DD2> + 9254) [0xffffff7f815e1426] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8577419) [0xffffff8000a2e18b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8572076) [0xffffff8000a2ccac] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x86e 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8583912) [0xffffff8000a2fae8] 1 *1 ??? (<015D81B6-C6AC-339B-BAA9-9EBA3D14DA61> + 245945) [0xffffff7f8162a0b9] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8577419) [0xffffff8000a2e18b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8572076) [0xffffff8000a2ccac] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x874 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8583912) [0xffffff8000a2fae8] 1 *1 ??? (<015D81B6-C6AC-339B-BAA9-9EBA3D14DA61> + 245945) [0xffffff7f8162a0b9] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8577419) [0xffffff8000a2e18b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8572076) [0xffffff8000a2ccac] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa30 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2485321) [0xffffff800045ec49] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2485534) [0xffffff800045ed1e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2485695) [0xffffff800045edbf] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa31 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa32 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa33 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa34 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa35 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa36 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa37 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa38 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa39 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa3a 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa3b 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa3c 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa3d 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa3e 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa3f 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2487106) [0xffffff800045f342] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa4e 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8583912) [0xffffff8000a2fae8] 1 *1 ??? (<015D81B6-C6AC-339B-BAA9-9EBA3D14DA61> + 245945) [0xffffff7f8162a0b9] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8577419) [0xffffff8000a2e18b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8572076) [0xffffff8000a2ccac] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xa7d 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8583912) [0xffffff8000a2fae8] 1 *1 ??? (<015D81B6-C6AC-339B-BAA9-9EBA3D14DA61> + 245945) [0xffffff7f8162a0b9] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8577419) [0xffffff8000a2e18b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8572076) [0xffffff8000a2ccac] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0x2733 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8583912) [0xffffff8000a2fae8] 1 *1 ??? (<015D81B6-C6AC-339B-BAA9-9EBA3D14DA61> + 245945) [0xffffff7f8162a0b9] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8577419) [0xffffff8000a2e18b] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8572076) [0xffffff8000a2ccac] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1247232) [0xffffff8000330800] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1309743) [0xffffff800033fc2f] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1315825) [0xffffff80003413f1] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 2382072) [0xffffff80004458f8] 1 Thread 0xe106d Thread name "thread call high #13" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93) <IO tier 0> *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 807230) [0xffffff80002c513e] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1446033) [0xffffff8000361091] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 1447269) [0xffffff8000361565] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 8982064) [0xffffff8000a90e30] 1 *1 ??? (<54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> + 955251) [0xffffff80002e9373] (running) 1 Binary Images: *0xffffff7f80da9000 - ??? ??? <4589419D-7CCC-39A9-9E2F-F73FE42DD902> *0xffffff7f815df000 - ??? ??? <7C98D93E-9F3B-39F9-B857-B0957F918DD2> *0xffffff7f815ee000 - ??? ??? <015D81B6-C6AC-339B-BAA9-9EBA3D14DA61> *0xffffff7f83a6e000 - ??? ??? <E8865550-525E-3E0A-8BEA-D96D9CD57917> *0xffffff7f83ddb000 - ??? ??? <3F58720F-A51D-32A4-905C-59BBE42C27B1> *0xffffff7f84524000 - ??? ??? <E5447957-C2A9-3398-8C2E-CDAB49B69ACE> *0xffffff8000200000 - ??? ??? <54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF> System Profile: Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0 bridge_os_version: Bridge OS 4.5 (17P5300) Boot Volume File System Type: apfs bridge_model: iBridge2,14 Memory Module: BANK 0/ChannelA-DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR4, 2667 MHz, SK Hynix, - Memory Module: BANK 2/ChannelB-DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR4, 2667 MHz, SK Hynix, - USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus USB Device: Apple T2 Bus USB Device: Composite Device USB Device: Touch Bar Backlight USB Device: Touch Bar Display USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad USB Device: Headset USB Device: Ambient Light Sensor USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) USB Device: Apple T2 Controller Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 55.3 Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 55.3 Model: MacBookPro16,1, BootROM 1037. (iBridge: 17.16.15300.0.0,0), 8 processors, 8-Core Intel Core i9, 2.3 GHz, 16 GB, SMC Graphics: kHW_IntelUHDGraphics630Item, Intel UHD Graphics 630, spdisplays_builtin Graphics: kHW_AMDRadeonPro5500MItem, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M, spdisplays_pcie_device, 4 GB AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x7BF), wl0: Apr 7 2020 13:09:12 version 9.30.357. FWID 01-617711e7 Bluetooth: Version 7.0.5f6, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports


Jun 14, 2020 9:01 PM in response to aaronfrombeverlyills

LOL I have already updated to the 10.15.5 supplemental update (Jun 1, 2020) and still am experiencing this. The supplemental update was for a kernel security vulnerability but the crashes discussed on this thread aren't happening due to the kernel privilege exploit. (I assume you have already read the supplemental update release note.. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211215)


Jul 3, 2020 4:54 PM in response to Thomas-Consultant

@10_Gauge is one of the lucky ones ..

I used my 13" i5/8gb/256gb today for 2 location photoshoots, came back home Airdropped the 2 Capture one Session folders to this 16in i9/64gb/1TB/8gb5500M, left the computer for about 30 minutes and came back ... When i opened the first session The 1tab Youtube music that was playing started twitching, squeeking, everything froze and music just kept skipping, till the fans when full speed for 1 sec and macbook turned off . This is the error .

This computer is unreliable if you are working next to clients . It will embarasse you at least 1x a day .

Meanwhile senior costumer support Anna didnt accept my 14day return thinking i was the issue .

Might put an ad up and sell it for 3500 after paying 4300 for it.

back in 2018 i had a 2017 i7 16gb 15in macbook was so solid quit, ran low temperature with multiple apps open + 4k screen. This one goes up to 75c just for plugging my 4k monitor. Apple needs to admit they shouldnt have put i9s on these machines.

panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff7f96de0983): GPU Panic: mux-regs 10 3 7f 1f 0 0 severity 3 WS-ready 1 switch-state 0 IG FBs 1 EG FBs 0:0 power-state 4 3D busy HDA idle system-state 1 power-level 20:20 power-retry 0:0 connect-change 0 : PowerPlay Failed Resume. Backtrace (CPU 4), Frame : Return Address 0xffffff875f39b7f0 : 0xffffff8012d1f5cd 0xffffff875f39b840 : 0xffffff8012e58b05 0xffffff875f39b880 : 0xffffff8012e4a68e 0xffffff875f39b8d0 : 0xffffff8012cc5a40 0xffffff875f39b8f0 : 0xffffff8012d1ec97 0xffffff875f39b9f0 : 0xffffff8012d1f087 0xffffff875f39ba40 : 0xffffff80134c27cc 0xffffff875f39bab0 : 0xffffff7f96de0983 0xffffff875f39bb10 : 0xffffff7f970e137b 0xffffff875f39bd90 : 0xffffff7f970ad4d4 0xffffff875f39bdc0 : 0xffffff7f970e0cf8 0xffffff875f39bdf0 : 0xffffff7f970c8b3f 0xffffff875f39be10 : 0xffffff7f970c8a65 0xffffff875f39be30 : 0xffffff7f970c8921 0xffffff875f39be60 : 0xffffff7f969b167f 0xffffff875f39bee0 : 0xffffff801342e60d 0xffffff875f39bf30 : 0xffffff801342cede 0xffffff875f39bf70 : 0xffffff801342c4d6 0xffffff875f39bfa0 : 0xffffff8012cc513e Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[B1C0006F-E1F5-37D9-9548-5F918E92B422]@0xffffff7f969a8000->0xffffff7f969f8fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[BE052F4D-9B80-3FCD-B36D-BACB7DEE0DF2]@0xffffff7f93712000 com.apple.driver.AppleMuxControl2(5.2.4)[39BDDE23-D669-3AF6-ADA4-202A2A1F28A3]@0xffffff7f96dd1000->0xffffff7f96de5fff dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleGraphicsControl(5.2.4)[9BD821A9-6DDD-37FF-A5E1-EFB8A77A0AD3]@0xffffff7f96dce000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[0A7D7382-66FE-391B-9F93-97A996256C25]@0xffffff7f93709000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[BE052F4D-9B80-3FCD-B36D-BACB7DEE0DF2]@0xffffff7f93712000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[B1C0006F-E1F5-37D9-9548-5F918E92B422]@0xffffff7f969a8000 dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(5.2.4)[CD6E2942-2A23-3CE8-9BCA-D5A772667EB8]@0xffffff7f96abd000 com.apple.kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer(3.0.9)[E9880F7F-25D3-340E-9F59-0FB58854EF20]@0xffffff7f970a0000->0xffffff7f974d1fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[0A7D7382-66FE-391B-9F93-97A996256C25]@0xffffff7f93709000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[BE052F4D-9B80-3FCD-B36D-BACB7DEE0DF2]@0xffffff7f93712000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[B1C0006F-E1F5-37D9-9548-5F918E92B422]@0xffffff7f969a8000 dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(5.2.4)[CD6E2942-2A23-3CE8-9BCA-D5A772667EB8]@0xffffff7f96abd000 BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev Mac OS version: 19F101 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Tue May 26 20:41:44 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: 54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF Kernel slide: 0x0000000012a00000 Kernel text base: 0xffffff8012c00000 __HIB text base: 0xffffff8012b00000 System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864) System shutdown begun: NO System uptime in nanoseconds: 3765019987033 last loaded kext at 710658922040: >usb.cdc.ecm 5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7f97050000, size 49152) last unloaded kext at 2193887211134: >usb.serial 6.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7f96994000, size 24576) loaded kexts: com.intel.driver.EnergyDriver 3.7.0 @kext.AMDRadeonX6000 3.0.9 @kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager 3.0.9 >!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.2.4 @fileutil 20.036.15 @AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.2.4 >!AHV 1 |IOUserEthernet 1.0.1 |IO!BSerialManager 7.0.5f6 >pmtelemetry 1 @Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0 >AGPM 111.4.4 >X86PlatformShim 1.0.0 >!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0 >!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8 >AGDCBacklightControl 5.2.4 >!A!IKBLGraphics 14.0.6 >BridgeAudioCommunication 6.70.7 >!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 3430.1 >!AThunderboltIP 3.1.4 >!AHIDALSService 1 >!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0 >!AMCCSControl 1.14 >!AMuxControl2 5.2.4 >!ABridgeAudio!C 6.70.7 >!AGFXHDA 100.1.428 >!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1 >!A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer 14.0.6 >!AAVEBridge 6.1 @filesystems.autofs 3.0 >BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore 1 >BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore 1 >BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore 1 >!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe 1 @filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5 @BootCache 40 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1 @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0 >!AVirtIO 1.0 @filesystems.apfs 1412.120.2 @private.KextAudit 1.0 >!ASmartBatteryManager 161.0.0 >!AACPIButtons 6.1 >!ASMBIOS 2.1 >!AACPIEC 6.1 >!AAPIC 1.7 $!AImage4 1 @nke.applicationfirewall 303 $TMSafetyNet 8 @!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0 |EndpointSecurity 1 @kext.AMDRadeonX6100HWLibs 1.0 @kext.AMDRadeonX6000HWServices 3.0.9 |IOAVB!F 850.1 >!ASSE 1.0 @!AGPUWrangler 5.2.4 @kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer 3.0.9 >!ABacklightExpert 1.1.0 >!AActuatorDriver 3440.1 >!AHS!BDriver 3430.1 >IO!BHIDDriver 7.0.5f6 >!AMultitouchDriver 3440.1 >!AInputDeviceSupport 3440.8 >!AHIDKeyboard 209 @kext.AMDSupport 3.0.9 |IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0 >X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0 >!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1 >!AGraphicsControl 5.2.4 |IONDRVSupport 576.1 |IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 7.0.5f6 |IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.5f6 >!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60 >!AOnboardSerial 1.0 >IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8 @!AGraphicsDeviceControl 5.2.4 |IOAccelerator!F2 438.5.4 |IOGraphics!F 576.1 @plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3 |IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0 @kext.triggers 1.0 >usb.cdc.ncm 5.0.0 >usb.cdc 5.0.0 >usb.networking 5.0.0 >usb.!UHostCompositeDevice 1.2 >!ABCMWLANCore 1.0.0 >mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8 >IOImageLoader 1.0.0 |IO80211!FV2 1200.12.2b1 >corecapture 1.0.4 |IOSkywalk!F 1 |IOSurface 269.11 @filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1 |IOAudio!F 300.2 @vecLib.kext 1.2.0 |IOSerial!F 11 >usb.!UVHCIBCE 1.2 >usb.!UVHCI 1.2 >usb.!UVHCICommonBCE 1.0 >usb.!UVHCICommon 1.0 >!AEffaceableNOR 1.0 |IOBufferCopy!C 1.1.0 |IOBufferCopyEngine!F 1 |IONVMe!F 2.1.0 >!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4 >!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.6 >!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.6 >!AHPM 3.4.4 >!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60 >!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60 >!AThunderboltNHI 5.8.6 |IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.1 |IOUSB!F 900.4.2 >usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2 >usb.!UXHCI 1.2 >!AEFINVRAM 2.1 >!AEFIRuntime 2.1 >!ASMCRTC 1.0 |IOSMBus!F 1.1 |IOHID!F 2.0.0 $quarantine 4 $sandbox 300.0 @kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1 >!AKeyStore 2 >!UTDM 489.120.1 |IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.120.3 >!ACredentialManager 1.0 >KernelRelayHost 1 >!ASEPManager 1.0.1 >IOSlaveProcessor 1 >!AFDEKeyStore 28.30 >!AEffaceable!S 1.0 >!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5 @kext.CoreTrust 1 |CoreAnalytics!F 1 |IOTimeSync!F 840.3 |IONetworking!F 3.4 >DiskImages 493.0.0 |IO!B!F 7.0.5f6 |IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.5f6 |IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.121.1 |IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.120.3 |IO!S!F 2.1 |IOUSBHost!F 1.2 >usb.!UCommon 1.0 >!UHostMergeProperties 1.2 >!ABusPower!C 1.0 |IOReport!F 47 >!AACPIPlatform 6.1 >!ASMC 3.1.9 >watchdog 1 |IOPCI!F 2.9 |IOACPI!F 1.4 @kec.pthread 1 @kec.corecrypto 1.0 @kec.Libm 1

[Edited by Moderator]


Jul 14, 2020 10:40 PM in response to iTimC21

Hey there! Sorry for the troubles! I’d say for this issue, this would be the best article to follow:


This can be caused by a number of things, I’d say if none of the steps fixed it, to contact Apple Support. If this is caused by something new they don’t know about, I’m sure they’d be interested, as nothing reported/nothing fixed. But in my experience, it’s either due to an external device plugged in, or some third party app extension or plugin installed that is conflicting with the operating system or some other program or process.

Especially if this happened after an update that’s probably the case, so updating all third party apps is also best to do if possible. Or uninstalling for testing purposes. Hope that helps.


Jul 15, 2020 11:35 PM in response to MvanTTheThird

Hey again, I read the thread, just giving some general advice. Some of which was to contact Apple to investigate, obviously the steps you’ve taken unfortunately haven’t worked, so I’d say that’s a good step to take. They work hard at making their products best they can, complaining won’t fix anything, but working with them may help not only you, but maybe even others. (Although I know not everyone has the time to do so). Just saying, maybe they have more resources than what you can find on google, or, like you said, just wait until it works itself out. Computers cost a lot nowadays, so I get it and hope it works out. If the hardware is ruled out, (Which of course might not be the case), I’d probably take a look at the firmware.....maybe this article can help:

Revive or restore Mac OS Firmware:


Considering the situation and isolation done, I’d say restoring the firmware may be a valid step, Hope it works out!

Relevant article:

About the T2 Chip:



Apr 10, 2020 2:39 PM in response to iTimC21

I had same problem before and after the supplementary update 10.15.4.

Supplemental update did not fix the kernel panic.

Disabling power nap doesn't work for me.

I have a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)

  • Monitor Dell U2719DX
  • Magic mouse 2
  • Magic keyboard

I have a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)

  • Monitor Dell U2719DX
  • Magic mouse 2
  • Magic keyboard


Apr 19, 2020 8:17 AM in response to iTimC21

Status here

My GPU Panic sleep problem is still solved. I have since installed my video-rendering tools, my developer tools, all my other stuff.

My energy saving stuff is back to normal.

Having it gooing to sleep on power, on batteries

Running 10.15.4

Solution for me was

My brand new macbook pro 16 (Shipped 2. april 2020) also restarted (crashed) over nigth - actually it crashed (Kernel Panic GPU) everytime it went to sleep mode. I had nothing installed except default OSX with updates.

Solution details

  1. Reset: Pram & NVRAM (still crashed)
  2. Reset: SMC (still crashed)
  3. Internet Recovery Command+Option+R (when booting) (Crashed under installation, but continued afterwards)
  4. Disabled "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off." & "PowerNap.." in Energy Saver settings (Problems disappeared)
  5. Two days later I enabled "Prevent computer from sleeping...." and "Powernap..." again (Still no problems)

I don't know if step 1-3 is necessary, but I think so.

So a macbook pro 16 that I almost returned, is now working perfectly - and I'm very happy:-)


Apr 20, 2020 9:40 AM in response to GreenBadger

Have you tried alle 4 steps? I worked for me an others. The internet recovery does not delete your own files.

At least try step 4.

Solution for me was

My brand new macbook pro 16 (Shipped 2. april 2020) also restarted (crashed) over nigth - actually it crashed (Kernel Panic GPU) everytime it went to sleep mode. I had nothing installed except default OSX with updates.

Solution details

  1. Reset: Pram & NVRAM (still crashed)
  2. Reset: SMC (still crashed)
  3. Internet Recovery Command+Option+R (when booting) (Crashed under installation, but continued afterwards)
  4. Disabled "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off." & "PowerNap.." in Energy Saver settings (Problems disappeared)
  5. Two days later I enabled "Prevent computer from sleeping...." and "Powernap..." again (Still no problems)

Apr 23, 2020 4:03 AM in response to Steve Dorsey

I personally don't think it is a hardware issue. Please refer to the steps I have listed in my former posts. Since then I have no problems anymore. Not even with the power nap option enabled.

The steps are:

  • Reset System Management Controllers (SMC) according to the instructions given by Apple
  • Additionally I reset the NVRAM or PRAM according to Apple's instructions
  • Additionally I turned off power nap in the energy control.
  • After a few days without problems I turned on the power nap option again

Since several days now I did not experience any issues.

Good luck!


May 14, 2020 6:41 PM in response to Jont828

Hey guys,

just wanted to let you know:

I have talked to Apple Support (above 1st level) about another issue and took the chance to ask about the kernel panics. They are aware of the issue and the engineers have tagged it as actively being investigated / fixed soon.

There are 4 'official' workarounds that are suggested in their documentation about the issue - many already being discussed here in the thread:

  1. Disable "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off"
  2. Disable Power Nap
  3. Unplug power cord before you send the computer to sleep (that includes closing the lid)
  4. Shut Down before closing the lid

Just for the many people writing that they are worried. It is being addressed and everyone expects it to be solved in 10.15.5.


Jun 14, 2020 7:17 PM in response to wyc356

After all these issues I had with macbook pro 16, I today sold mine and bought new Dell XPS 17. Apple aint premium anymore in my opinion.

  • Regular crashes
  • Matlab and many software I use were not refined for mac os
  • Multiple system crashes and failures when undocking from thunderbolt 3
  • etc etc...

Paid premium for the device which "just works" but got completely opposite. Missed my desktop setup (which I sold to buy this crap).


Aug 29, 2020 10:51 AM in response to CrunkSouljah

  1. described in detail every step I took (reset PRAM, SMC, wiped drive twice and reinstalled OS, disk diagnostics, hardware diagnostics)
  2. had a log of every kernel panic my machine had since March (at least 1 per day)
  3. refused to ship it off for severals reasons (I am a developer and can't be without the machine, didn't want to have my machine be the experimental machine for the Apple engineers to tear apart and try to uncover the issue.)
  4. shared the amount of $$$ I've spent with Apple over the years (multiple iPads, watches, iPhones, laptops, etc.)
  5. insisted that the problems were caused by 10.15.4 and insisted that my machine wasn't a "one-off" because of threads like this one (and the Mr. McIntosh thread)
  6. promised to send a very detailed email to Tim Cook. I've successfully emailed CEOs in the past - not for trivial issues - only for issues that I repeatedly tried to have corrected by the service teams.
  7. I wasn't rude or angry - just insistent that Apple should take accountability for putting the wrong type of gas in my car causing the engine to fail. My MBP was sweet until 10.15.4 - everything was a mess after 10.15.4.

Apr 9, 2020 9:17 AM in response to iTimC21

Thank you all for the support and suggestions/work arounds.

For my MacBook Pro, turning off the Power Nap feature on ONLY the Power Adapter setting has worked for me so far. I can leave that feature on when using the Battery.

As a side note, the latest supplemental update for 10.15.4 does NOT fix this issue yet. I have tried the BETA and can confirm they are working on fixing this bug because I did not experience a kernel panic when using it.

Now that said, I do NOT recommend the beta version. When we use betas, we run into beta bugs. There are quite a few that would annoy anyone using it which is why I've reverted back to 10.15.4.

So here's to hoping Apple can push 10.15.5 soon without any new bugs. <----- I know that's probably impossible but here's to hoping right?!


May 5, 2020 8:21 AM in response to Barney-15E

can you tell me something about my report? I will try clean system tonight. Anyway with my backup every morning problem occurs. Disable power nap works. Then I tried to work with Parallels (still version 14 maybe that’s problem) settings and yesterday I turned back on power nap and at the morning it was fine. I can still return my mbp (till Friday) that’s why I ask. I don’t know what to do. If it is soft I can live with it


MacBook Pro 16 2019 10.15.4 Kernel Panic / Reboot When Plugged In -- Help!

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