Catalina 10.15.4 Supplemental Update Has Issues
The 8 April 2020 Supplemental Update for Catalina 10.15.4 brought the system down for a few hours. Since the screen only showed a white apple on the screen for the whole time I shut it down and restarted it. I got a thick white circle with a thick white line through it in the middle of the screen, the same size as the apple usually is. Repeated shut downs did nothing. Could not go to safe mode without the circle and line so I went to Recovery Mode, ran the Disk Utilities First Aid and then rebooted again. My screen came up and I was able to sign in. I had a notice that the update was available for installation. I am not going to do that since it appears it is not going to work on my iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017). Is this a temporary issue or should I ignore all further updates?
iMac 27" 5K, 10.15