IP address
How does my other user have my IP address connected to his iphone 6
iPhone 8, iOS 13
How does my other user have my IP address connected to his iphone 6
iPhone 8, iOS 13
Do you mean conflicting internal dynamic IP address? Contact the administrator who installed the router.
An IP address conflict may happen when two communication points on a network are assigned the same IP address automatically or by some faulty configuration by system administrator. Local points can be Macs. PCs, mobile devices, or any individual network adapter. IP conflicts between two endpoints usually disables one or both of the devices using the same IP addresses from using the network operations
Do you mean conflicting internal dynamic IP address? Contact the administrator who installed the router.
An IP address conflict may happen when two communication points on a network are assigned the same IP address automatically or by some faulty configuration by system administrator. Local points can be Macs. PCs, mobile devices, or any individual network adapter. IP conflicts between two endpoints usually disables one or both of the devices using the same IP addresses from using the network operations
IP address