Hitachi Ultravision TV Guide —12 years old—HDMI input?
I have a Hitachi Ultravision TV Guide TV monitor with no HDMI input ports, only component ports. The menu display’s INPUT options are greyed out— only VIDEO, PHOTO, CABLE etc are selectable.
My old Onkyo receiver has HDMI input options (1,2, and 3) for DVD, VCR, AUX and CBL. I’ve set up Apple TV, and it’s plugged in. The cable goes into a nest of cables behind the media cabinet which go into the wall, and, presumably are connected through the attic to the TV monitor. (I’m renting a furnished house, so I don’t know.)
Nothing happens when I press the Apple TV remote control or the Hitachi remote control (except a lighting up of the latter, so I know it works).
Any ideas? Which HDMI to component converter do I use and will it affect the video? Or is it possible (as the landlord’s son suggested) that ATV HDMI is encrypted to not communicate with component well, or at all?