iPhone is disabled connect to itunes
Hi, quick background. My mother passed away yesterday and she was in hospice for a month prior so she was not able to back up her phone during this time due to COVID (they would not let things come in and leave the facility). This would not normally be an issue as I know the passcode on the phone AND I have a fingerprint in her touch id on the phone. However, when I was finally able to get the phone, it looks like someone attempted to get into the device too many times and I have the dreaded "iPhone is disabled connect to itunes" message. I have her computer that she backed up to so I figured this was just a case of connecting and that would "reset" the number of attempts on the phone. Apparently, this is not the case. It seems that my only recourse is to reload the latest backup on the device? This seems a bit silly as would mean people have two options: securely erase the device on 10 fails or make the device useless anyway.
Luckily, she was syncing photos to iCloud, so her last month of pictures is not lost forever. And I'm pretty sure that the phone is not wiped as when I signed into iCloud her computer gave me a one time code and her phone made a noise like it tried. What I would like to do is reach everyone that tried to contact her in the past month to let them know that she has passed as well as make sure there is nothing else important that I need to know (like what messaging platforms she was using).
So, the question is: is it really true that once you hit your 10 attempts at passcode there is nothing anyone can do or is there something that can be done (and what is it).
It seems like a huge oversight that someone with
1) access to the computer the phone was synced to
2) the password to the local id the phone was synced to
3) the apple id credentials associated with the phone
4) the passcode to the phone
5) a finger print on the touch id on the phone
can lose access to the device's data forever if some random person grabs the phone for 30 seconds.
iPhone 6s