Click on the "Contact Support" link at the top right of this page to receive official Apple support for your product. Or use the information on this page to contact Apple:
You can also leave product feedback here:
As for your fan issue try plugging the charger into the right side USB-C ports.
If you want community assistance with your issues, then run EtreCheck and post the report here using the "Additional Text" icon which looks like a piece of paper. You can also try booting into Safe Mode to see how the system performs. If it performs better, then it means you have some sort of software issue which the EtreCheck report would show us. The screen may flicker or flash while in Safe Mode due to the very limited graphics driver used.
Try an SMC reset and a PRAM reset.
Run the Apple Diagnostics. Also run Disk Utility First Aid on the SSD.
Also disconnect all external devices in case one of them is interfering with the functioning of the laptop.
See if your laptop qualifies for this free Apple SSD repair program:
Here is an Apple article with details about the free keyboard repair program:
FYI, here is the current list of all the publicly acknowledged free repair programs for various Apple products (some have multiple programs available):