iTunes 12.9 changing album metadata when I play a track
So I have been importing albums from minidisk to iTunes - fairly laborious realtime recording into Audacity and importing - entering all the metadata manually. One 'Various Artists' album (called Frontline) got mixed up and in sorting it somehow I changed ALL the album titles to Frontline (didnt know I could do that - must have had then all selected by mistake). There was no undo but luckily I could reimport library from a recent back up and all seemed fine. EXCEPT now every time I play a track iTunes renames that track to being form the Frontline album ! Have quit, restarted iMac and unticked 'organise' in advanced prefs. Still does it. From the list of songs, double clicking on any song renames its album meta..... Please help - this is infuriating and will eventually render iTunes unuseable.
iMac Retina running Mojave