Why does my IPhone 8 Plus automatically delete emails? How to set it to stop it?
Why does my IPhone 8 Plus automatically delete emails? How to set it to stop it?My IPhone is IOS 13.4.1 .
iPhone 8 Plus, iOS 13
Why does my IPhone 8 Plus automatically delete emails? How to set it to stop it?My IPhone is IOS 13.4.1 .
iPhone 8 Plus, iOS 13
iPhones or for that matter no phone deletes anything automatically.
Take a look at your settings on Keep
Which email account are you referring to? Google, iCloud, AOL, Exchange, Outlook, Yahoo or any Other
Meanwhile look at the settings on Mail Days to sync
On the iPhone there is an option called "Mail Days To Sync." / "Remove After" This option allows you to save space on your iPhone by telling the server to stop pushing emails to your phone. There are several options to select: "No Limit" -- This option will send all the emails in your inbox and folders to your iPhone
Most mails will follow this sequence
Settings > Password & Accounts > iCloud > Mail (Scroll Down) > Advanced > Remove [Select from the options]
Settings > Password & Accounts > AOL > Account > Advanced > Remove [Select from the options]
Settings > Password & Accounts > Yahoo > Account > Advanced > Remove [Select from the options]
Except for Outlook
Settings > Password & Accounts > Outlook > Mail Days to Sync [Select from the options]
iPhones or for that matter no phone deletes anything automatically.
Take a look at your settings on Keep
Which email account are you referring to? Google, iCloud, AOL, Exchange, Outlook, Yahoo or any Other
Meanwhile look at the settings on Mail Days to sync
On the iPhone there is an option called "Mail Days To Sync." / "Remove After" This option allows you to save space on your iPhone by telling the server to stop pushing emails to your phone. There are several options to select: "No Limit" -- This option will send all the emails in your inbox and folders to your iPhone
Most mails will follow this sequence
Settings > Password & Accounts > iCloud > Mail (Scroll Down) > Advanced > Remove [Select from the options]
Settings > Password & Accounts > AOL > Account > Advanced > Remove [Select from the options]
Settings > Password & Accounts > Yahoo > Account > Advanced > Remove [Select from the options]
Except for Outlook
Settings > Password & Accounts > Outlook > Mail Days to Sync [Select from the options]
Step by step:
I'm having this same problem with my Comcast email (Iphone 8 plus - IOS updated)
I tried looking for the "Mail Days to Sync" you mentioned above but cannot find it.
The instructions to find Mail days to sync is included in SravaKrA’s post under the heading Most mails will follow this sequence
I look at the "setting" and don't see the "Mail days to sync" even did a search in settings. I must be missing something.
Why does my IPhone 8 Plus automatically delete emails? How to set it to stop it?