In iTunes there is an Artists folder.
[Edit>Preferences> Advanced] shows it to be in iTunes Media folder.
In Windows Exploerer> under iTunes Media there is only “Automatically
add to iTunes”.
Under ITunes Music there are many folders including Automatically
add to iTunes, many Artsts and Album names, and a “Music” folder that contains
what appears to be all of the Artists.
Under ITunes Music there is also other folders including
Podasts, including “Previous iTunes Libraries for each year 2009 > 2019,
each individual “year” opening the Artists that were on my iTunes that year.
The iTunes folder inside my user's Music folder contains
folders including iTunes Music which contains the same folders as mentioned
above under iTunes Music.
I have not backed up to an external hard drive or cloud,
although it might have been a good idea. Since it is on my iPod I thought that
that was like an external hard drive, but I guess not? Since the computer that
I have my music is quite old and no longer supported by Windows I am thinking
about “backing up” to an external hard drive or another computer. First, I need
to get this one working!