AVG and Trusteer
Uninstall AVG and Trusteer per their directions then run etrecheck again to see what chaff they left.
On AVG & Avast…
Delete this file & restart...
~ tilde indicates hidden Home Library.
Apple hid the Users' Library folders...
Method 1:
- From the Finder, select the Go menu at top of the screen, and choose Go to Folder.
- In the window that opens, enter ~/Library, and click Go.
Method 2:
- Go to the Finder (or desktop).
- Hold the Option key on your keyboard, and click the Go menu at the top of the screen.
- With the Go menu open, you'll notice that pressing and releasing Option will display or hide the Library choice in this menu.
4 Select Library from the Go menu (while holding down Option) to access the hidden folder.