I wouldn’t think so since I’m having no issues with hearing whomever I am speaking with, be it FaceTime video, FaceTime audio, or basic calls. The issue is that they can’t hear me on FaceTime video calls. I sound choppy or I drop out completely in parts. No video issues on either end. No Wifi issues either. I’d be completely clueless that there’s a problem if I wasn’t told by whoever I talk to repeatedly how they can’t hear me. When on a call earlier, the person I was talking to said it was worse than ever, so it hit me to try the earbuds as I’d read here and the problem cleared up. That could’ve been dumb luck since the issue is sporadic, so I’ll try it again when the issue recurs. My microphones have passed the tests recommended on Apple’s site and through these forums (like recording voice memos as well as two videos, one with the front-facing camera and one with the forward-facing). No issues. There was no issue in store either when I went to have the first phone examined (I bought it on 9/24). They had me make two FaceTime calls but there wasn’t anything they could do since there is no indication of a problem on my end. Both my fiancé and my Mom pointed out the choppy parts to let them know when it was cutting out in these test calls. So they told me to set my phone up as a new phone and see if it still happened. If not, restore my backup and see if it returned. If it did return, then it was an issue with the backup, perhaps corrupt. But if it still did it before I restored my backup and was using it as a new phone, then it was a device issue. I spent over a week talking to Apple support online and through text, including an acquaintance who works at the Apple Store, and they all said it was a device issue after going through various diagnostics and procedures. I told them I had read here that someone had been through 2-3 new devices to get it fixed but still had the issue. The first guy I worked with in the store was quick to just erase my stuff and start over, but the other was thorough and set me up with the new phone, agreeing it was a device issue. I guess it isn’t since it’s still going, but I’ve noticed it being a them for 11 and 11 Pro users online. Mine did this when set up as a new phone and with my backup restored, so it wasn’t a corrupt backup issue.