How to cancel
I want to cancel my iCloud can you please help me
Windows, Windows 6
I want to cancel my iCloud can you please help me
Windows, Windows 6
Welcome to the Apple Community.
You can't cancel iCloud. You can stop using it or stop subscribing to more storage space.
To stop using it, sign out. (Settings ➔ Apple ID(Top) ➔ Sign out on your mobile device, System Preferences ➔ Apple ID(Top) ➔ Overview ➔ Sign out on your mac)
You can change the amount of storage by selecting a new plan right from your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, or PC (for example, a 5 GB plan to replace a 200 GB plan). The downgrade will take effect after your current monthly or annual subscription ends.
Welcome to the Apple Community.
You can't cancel iCloud. You can stop using it or stop subscribing to more storage space.
To stop using it, sign out. (Settings ➔ Apple ID(Top) ➔ Sign out on your mobile device, System Preferences ➔ Apple ID(Top) ➔ Overview ➔ Sign out on your mac)
You can change the amount of storage by selecting a new plan right from your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, or PC (for example, a 5 GB plan to replace a 200 GB plan). The downgrade will take effect after your current monthly or annual subscription ends.
How to cancel