Thanks and that's all fine and good, but it does not solve the problem of removing simple key strokes from an already overweight iTunes to simply get to the current song playing with good ole Command L. Half the key strokes from the original version are simply gone even thought they worked well. Why does Apple not talk to music industry people like our entire team beforehand who have been using iTunes since it launched? It's our main music database, and every version gets less user friendly and filled with mouse requirements. Does anyone really want more mouse or more track pad to deal with?
So I digress because this is the worst version of iTunes yet.
The BUG in the program is this: If I'm in SONG view and hit Command L, it goes OUT of SONG view and to some album view.
If I want the last 4 albums I downloaded in song view alpha by artist album I can't just stay in that view. That is a bug. Right?
Bug 2: Option Command F is "Filter", fine. IF you're already in SONG view. But it does not work after Command L is used to get to current track. It then sends one BACK to this useless Album? view. and so then one Still has to tap the SONG button to get back to the list of songs in the most recently added few albums. This makes no sense.
So essentially everyone in my entire office (and I'm assuming a lot of other offices similar to ours-I've spoken to 4) now has to do 3 or 4 clicks and commands to get to where One key stroke used to take us.
If I sound frustrated it is because I am. We all are. it makes no sense to us the direction iTunes has been going, when it was the best song file database and player in the industry for a decade. Our non-industry friends gave up on it years ago.
So who is it targeting? That's my ultimate question. Coz it's not a devoted music industry.