Hi John,
I realize this is not the way to pose this problem, but here goes. I admire your opinions re: Google greatly. My question is how to get out of the Google "web".
My problem started a year ago where when Apple Mail is running, it would decide to open a window in mail without being asked to do so many times a day on different macs, 2 running Catalina and 1 running High Sierra (less frequent). I even have a quicktime movie showing the problem.
For a year Apple says they are aware of the problem and are working on it. I allowed them to take some logs off of my machine and talked to them multiple times with no fix.
I have Google,AOL and Verizon email acts.
I have noted that when selecting internet accts in system prefs and unchecking ALL check boxes on all gmail acts, the problem still occurs.
If mail is running and the gmail accountts are DELETED the problem persists !!!!
Quitting mail allows me to not get Mail to open on its own.
I tried forwarding gmail thru iCloud, that didn't work.
I'd like to know what steps you think I need to take to get rid of the problem.
I use Safari as a browser with Google as a search engine.
Once again, I apologize for asking about this on this thread, but hoped you wouldn't mind. If you'd like me to post this separately, please let me know. I just wanted to be sure I got your input.
Many thanks