Change Wi-Fi networks
"Change Wi-Fi networks
Tap Wi-Fi Address to see the Wi-Fi Network that HomePod is connected to. If it's on a different Wi-Fi network than your iOS device, tap "Move HomePod to [Wi-Fi network]" to connect HomePod to the same Wi-Fi network as your iOS device."
According to the link above - text from that page, one can change the HomePod network to the same as of one's IPhone/IPad through the Home app, without having to reset it.
My Home app, on both IPhone and Ipad, does not have present this option or behave this way when I go into the HomePod settings. I am on IOS 13.6.
Has anyone seen the Home app work this way?
Someone from Apple could please clarify why this article lists functionality that we do not have in the software?
Thank you.