Good day nimrodsadan,
Thanks for the additional information.
If you're not using iCloud Photos, the next likely option of photo management would be a Windows native photos app. If the images are on your iPhone and Windows recognize that iPhone as a camera, it may create the folder and export them from iPhone 11. Even if you have transferred the data, Windows may still see your iPhone 11 as a new device, and it's possible it will need to be configured for how it's used in Windows.
While you may be looking for familiar folders, it is also not impossible for the file management to change. If the steps under "Import to your PC" don't work on Transfer photos and videos from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, check the link on that document for Microsoft to make sure Windows does not have a specific or alternate method.
If you have a case opened up for you, it's likely open for you until a resolution is found. You'll want to continue with the case number you have, and you may be able to continue service where you are when you Contact Apple Support.
Best wishes!