Ongoing trouble with "Other" Storage
I have an iphone 6s that's using the latest iOS. Over the last few weeks I've been getting messages that my storage is full. Upon looking into the details, I've noticed that "Other" storage was high at around 15 GB. Since we can't see the "Other" details, nor can we delete items from this mysterious part of our phones, I started deleting apps, photos, videos all podcasts, even the apple podcast app, and text messages. I successfully freed up more than 8 GB of space and thought things were OK.
Well, over the last few weeks "Other" storage has continued to climb. It's now at 26 GB. I'm looking for a detailed, transparent answer as to why. After hours on the phone with apple support, I'm being told to back up my phone (for some reason it's not backing up to the cloud so I'm stuck), and that if I reset to factory settings all will be ok. Frankly, this isn't a sufficient response.
iPhone 6s, iOS 13