Why do my tabs disappear on my ipad safari
After reading many posts about this issue, LotusPilot has a very good article on this topic. As he suggested, split view and slide over apps can cause two copies of Safari to be loaded. One with all your tabs in it and the other copy contains no tabs. This is my understanding of his explanation. I too have lost all my tabs many times and have become very frustrated. The obvious solution to me was turn off split view / slide over apps. Many times I have accidentally slid open a new instance of safari when I had no intention of doing so. Very frustrating. I am using IPADOS 13.6. So I looked how to turn slide outs off.
Go to General, select Home Screen and Dock, click on Multitasking, then turn off Allow Multiple Apps. This will fix the accidental slide outs, and should take care of my apps disappearing.