I noticed gifs saved via chrome /iOS began saving as still images after google’s (approx) Aug 30 Chrome update. I posted my concern last week on a Google support thread that someone had begun approx first week of Sept. There were already several users on that thread having same issue. I’m supposed to be notified of any other activity on that thread & there has been none.
Someone on that thread mentioned Safari (iOS 13) still saved gifs as gifs, so I began using it.
From this thread it sounds like Apple has removed ‘save gifs as gifs’ in iOS 14. If that’s the case, I’ll be keeping my I-devices on iOS 13. I have another iPad with an older version of Chrome on it & it still saves gifs as gifs.
I’d mentioned the Chrome /gifs issue to a developer & he speculated that the change might be intentional on Google’s part. Goggle Support hasn’t commented on the thread in the other forum and their most recent Chrome update this week didn’t fix the issue. And now the Safari (which I’ve heard based on Chrome) no longer supports gif saving in it’s latest iteration. Yikes.
Fyi, Firefox on iOS still saves gifs as gifs but -imho- its a weaker browser.