How do I change app categories in App Library?
How do I change App Library categories? How do I move apps into the correct category?
How do I change App Library categories? How do I move apps into the correct category?
App Library is a great concept. But that will stay a concept if we cannot change categories of application. Categories are often related to your personal use cases of an iPhone.
Categories of app should now be customizable
App Library is a great concept. But that will stay a concept if we cannot change categories of application. Categories are often related to your personal use cases of an iPhone.
Categories of app should now be customizable
Answer is: you can’t.
which is really a pretty amazing oversight by Apple. For example productivity & finance should be two separate categories. Why is Word, Excel, and PowerPoint combined with my banking apps? And why is my wallet in Utilities and not finance with the rest of my banking apps?
having to choose between the old way of using folders or using the library, I think I’ll just go back to folders. No way I will remember where things are and as a result I’ll forget what I have so searching is pointless as I don’t remember what to search for.
I don’t know how you leave that option out in the first place. You can choose which folder it’s in, why not which library? Also why can’t we rename the libraries? They should have at least the same functionality as folders, otherwise I can just keep my folders.
greatzipper wrote:
Answer is: you can’t.
which is really a pretty amazing oversight by Apple. For example productivity & finance should be two separate categories. Why is Word, Excel, and PowerPoint combined with my banking apps? And why is my wallet in Utilities and not finance with the rest of my banking apps?
having to choose between the old way of using folders or using the library, I think I’ll just go back to folders. No way I will remember where things are and as a result I’ll forget what I have so searching is pointless as I don’t remember what to search for.
It's the first iteration of the feature. It will probably change and mature with time. Submit your feedback to Apple letting them know what changes you'd like to see:
I have sent feedback requesting the ability to move apps within the library. Of course, it still may never be exactly what everyone wants.
If there was a little more functionality or I should say flexibility in it, like renaming the folders, being able to actually move the App Library to the first Home Screen, move apps within the library to another folder in the library, then I might be more apt to use it.
I am playing around with it, but like you, many times I just search for app in Spotlight, so this feature right now doesn’t excite me. I’m sure things will change down the road, though.
I've always had too many apps on my phone. I long ago discovered that it's faster just to search for them than to try to remember where they are. It's also faster than swiping through screens.
Use Search on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
From your Home Screen, swipe right until you see the App Library. Your apps are automatically sorted into categories.
Search for an app in the App Library
greatzipper wrote:
Ok. fair point. BUT! Answer me THIS one.... why are productivity and finance even the same category?
I can't answer that as I don't work for Apple or know why they made a specific UX decision. My sense is they wanted to keep the number of categories to a minimum. The App Library is not a replacement for a very carefully arranged set of personal folders. It appears to be designed to automate basic organization for those folks who were never especially interested in making folders.
I think it works really well but frankly, I stopped being interested in putting apps in folders and figuring out what I should call them years ago. Nothing Apple does is going to meet everyone's needs.
Apple has already given you a way to create your own categories and put your apps in whatever folders you want. The App Library is in addition to that, not in place of it.
Let Apple know your thoughts here:
johnmd50 wrote:
Come on Apple, Pleeeeese can we decide?
Apple is not reading here for suggestions. You can let them know your thoughts here:
Meanwhile, you continue to have complete control over what folders you put your apps in on the regular home screens.
greatzipper wrote:
I don’t know how you leave that option out in the first place. You can choose which folder it’s in, why not which library? Also why can’t we rename the libraries? They should have at least the same functionality as folders, otherwise I can just keep my folders.
Apple has never been big on giving people options. But, since you feel strongly about it, let them know. Use the feedback link I provided above.
greatzipper wrote:
I don’t know how you leave that option out in the first place. You can choose which folder it’s in, why not which library? Also why can’t we rename the libraries? They should have at least the same functionality as folders, otherwise I can just keep my folders.
And this is what I choose to do. As far as I’m concerned, the App Library is useless. I spent a good bit of time organizing my apps into folder over the years and I prefer to keep my own folder structure. I’m just glad that Apple didn’t make it the default Home Screen.
Demo wrote:
As far as I’m concerned, the App Library is useless. I spent a good bit of time organizing my apps into folder over the years and I prefer to keep my own folder structure. I’m just glad that Apple didn’t make it the default Home Screen.
I've been playing with it a little and so far, I think I like it. I have way too many apps on my phone and they'd gotten a bit out of control. Many of them were in folders labeled "TBD". I mostly open them through Search anyway. So, for people like me, it makes sense. Things are a bit tidier and I don't have to think to hard. But, I can see how it wouldn't work for people who have a carefully maintained folder structure already.
I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.
Right now, I'm keeping the apps I use several times a day on the first couple of pages and moving everything else to the App Library.
Going through the process of moving things has lead to a number of "What is that and why did I ever download it?" moments.
I just added an app to the App Library and I don’t see it in any of the folders. If I have to search for the app anyway, why bother with the App Library?
Is there a way to expand the individual library folders like you can do with a regular folder? Oops, I figured it out. NM.
greatzipper wrote:
Apple, please explain why an app called Mag Light (which uses your camera and flash to magnify things) is in the Productivity & Finance category? It’s clearly a utility.
Apple is not here. However, I believe that Apple is using the category that the app developer chose when they listed it in the App Store. I can't find that exact app so I can't confirm what the category is. However, I looked at a couple of other similar apps. One was listed as belonging in the Productivity category, another Medical and a third Utilities. So, take it up with the app developer.
Or, for that one, just use identical built in function. It's an option in the Control Center.
How do I change app categories in App Library?