Hi everyone,
my wife bought me the watch 6, and I installed it only for it to work with my iPhone 7+ for a few hrs, then the infamous watch app would not work then open for a split second then shut, I tried all the usual hard resets but to no avail couldn't even delete the app. I contacted Apple who were as good as useless I even told them so that it's a IOS 14 issue they 'played dumb'. I eventually came across this forum thinking I can't be alone, and low and behold yeah loads of disgruntled apple watch users here with the same issue.
So I read through just about everyones issues, and it became clear that the phone would need to be iCloud backed up & erase all data and then install the backup, but I before backed up to icloud, I had to purchase more storage space as my 50GB was not enough, so invested in the 200 GB for £2.99 and set to task of backing up the iPhone to icloud which took about 3hrs finished at 00.30.
So this morning I bit the bullet and thought s**t or bust I had to do something, so then followed the info provided on here to erase all info & setting and restore from the back up, well I thought that this was going to be a bit nail biting, but quite painless, really straight forward all info back up and running as before but with the added bonus that I could now delete the Watch app & restore it. So at this time I have an iPhone backed up & working, 200Gb of storage & the Iwatch working as should be.
The Moral of this story, Check the forums first so you don't waste your time talking to Apple, as some of you guys here have more experience to sort these issues than Apple or care too.
Sorry to rant on but It worked for me.