Well after finally getting a wonderful woman in Apple support on the phone my watch is now “always on”!!!!
I’d like to tell you all that we did to fix this but I honestly can’t remember it all. It included her accessing my phone to move an arrow around on my screen to direct me to check various settings on the phone itself and the Watch app. I believe it also included a “unpair/pair” of the watch/phone. And BTW we did all of this to both my watch/phone AND my wife’s and both now work great!
Both watches are now always on ... and the time updates so that it doesn’t “jump” minutes to the correct time after being “asleep” when it went black.
There is only one small issue for me but it’s a case of “working as designed”. The face goes black if the watch is not on my wrist - looking to save power if the watch senses it’s not on skin. As someone that uses my MacBook a lot, I often find that the watch (any watch) gets in the way. I like to take it off and “stand” it on my desk to glance at the time. I can’t do that now, I’ll have to get accustomed to looking for the time on my computer screen.
Since she did her magic,