You cannot install an older version of macOS over a new version, you need to erase the entire mac before you can do that.
If you have downloaded the Install macOS (6.05GBs) then you need to make a bootable USB installer with it
using these instructions.
How to create a bootable installer for macOS – Apple Support
Now make a full back up of your mac.
When you are satisfied that you have backed up your mac and all your data is safe then you can boot to the
bootable USB installer you made earlier.
Restart your mac while pressing and holding the option/ alt key. In a couple of minutes you should see the
Startup Manager, select the bootable USB and press Return.
Again in a couple of minutes your mac will boot to the USB and you will see a Utilities panel.
Click on Disk Utility and press Continue.
Click on View in the menubar and select Show All Devices.
Now highlight the uppermost Disk (not any of the indented Volumes) in the left hand panel.
Click on Erase.
Give the Disk a name.
Format: APFS.
Scheme: GUID Partition Map.
Click Erase.
Quit Disk Utility.
Click on Install OS and press Continue.
The installation process should start follow the prompts.
When the installation has finished you can then think about restoring
you personal data from the back up you made earlier.
Only restore your personal data do not restore any System or Library files
as this may put Catalina back on your mac.
Do not restore any of the Apple apps that come with the OS as they will
be Catalina versions and won't work in Mojave, only restore third party apps
you know are compatible with Mojave.