Yes, this annoying problem occurs randomly. I always bcc myself when I send emails via my iPad. My emails always display perfectly to the person I send them to. But when I receive the bcc, sometimes it displays perfectly, but at other times it just says : “This message cannot be displayed because of the way it is formatted. Ask the sender to send it again using a different format or email program.text/plain”.
It’s a random error.
It is NOT related to my email server.
I paid for a computer technician to check it out.
He spent an hour working on it, only to tell me there was no problem with my email server or my email program; but rather, it was an Apple issue and I would need to complain to Apple about it.
Apple staff admitted they’d received numerous complaints about this issue, but had not yet found a cause nor worked out how to fix it.
When you get the copy of your email with this annoying message:
“This message cannot be displayed because of the way it is formatted. Ask the sender to send it again using a different format or email program.text/plain”
1) Just delete the message, then
2) Go to your Delete box (BIN) and move the message back to your IN BOX.
3) Then go to your IN BOX and look at the message again. You’ll find it has magically reappeared with your original message intact.