British pound sign mac book pro.
How have British pound sign on MacBook Pro.
How have British pound sign on MacBook Pro.
The base symbols for that keyboard translation are shown in the right panel. If you hold the modifier keys, its will switch to the actual characters generated.
For example, hold Option and right-pane display will show the pounds sterling (£) symbol on the 3 key when using the U.S. layout.
US keyboard shows it as Option-3, others vary.
EXACTLY which keyboard translation is in use?
Don’t have US keyboard. Had to work around and copy symbol from google
There are fourteen different English keyboard layouts, and at least three keyboard layouts that might be called US.
Which one are you using, EXACTLY?
Don’t know. How do I find out?
System Preferences > Keyboard > InputSources
the one in use will be shown in the left column
British pound sign mac book pro.