Garageband for El Capitan
Garageband for El capitan
MacBook Pro 15″, OS X 10.11
Garageband for El capitan
MacBook Pro 15″, OS X 10.11
There had been a fairly good means to get GarageBand for El Capitan
~ IF your 'Purchase History' included El Capitan and software titles.
• Install Old Version of GarageBand - Apple Community (reply from: Jan 4, 2016)
This is link to 'answered Community thread' & good reply given 4+
years ago. Otherwise, you may need to see what you had in pre-loss
Time Machine backups. Since those get overwritten if too old, may
be reason to look/find any that still exist. ~ And learn to copy them.
Older online archives of certain system bits may be found; avoid the
temptation of trying bit tor rents. They can contain hidden badware.
Good luck & happy trails!🌞🌜
There had been a fairly good means to get GarageBand for El Capitan
~ IF your 'Purchase History' included El Capitan and software titles.
• Install Old Version of GarageBand - Apple Community (reply from: Jan 4, 2016)
This is link to 'answered Community thread' & good reply given 4+
years ago. Otherwise, you may need to see what you had in pre-loss
Time Machine backups. Since those get overwritten if too old, may
be reason to look/find any that still exist. ~ And learn to copy them.
Older online archives of certain system bits may be found; avoid the
temptation of trying bit tor rents. They can contain hidden badware.
Good luck & happy trails!🌞🌜
Garageband for El Capitan