OneDrive folder is on my Mac and if I could just delete it.
I would avoid deleting this folder or files in it. Doing the "wrong" thing might end up deleting the files on the onedrive server. I'd backup these files before doing anything that comes near the files.
You picked it up from using some Microsoft app like office 365.
After backing up, you could delete the one drive app or look in your account to see if onedrive app is in your login items. system preferences > accounts > login items. click on the lock icon to allow editing. delete the from the login items if present and the will at least get rid of the syncing of the files. You should be able to then delete this folder. I have not tried this. Caveat emptor
If you can manually download that seems like a good workaround. You might see if there is a more recent version of the onedrive app [ what ever the name of the app might be. ]