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spinning wheel icon next to wi-fi indicating network activity

how do I stop the spinning wheel next to the WI-FI icon from constantly spinning?  It's eating up data and reducing battery power.  I've actually figured out what triggers this constant network activity. After I hard reset the I-Phone SE to stop the constant network activity, I can use every app with no problems until I use the microphone on the key pad to write/voice a text message or a note, then the wheel starts spinning non-stop until I restart the phone.   Does anyone know how to correct this problem?????????

iPhone SE, iOS 14

Posted on Oct 24, 2020 4:21 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Oct 24, 2020 5:11 PM

The spinning icon means that some app is using data. You need to troubleshoot that. If you are using dictation everything you dictate is sent to Apple’s speech recognition server to perform speech to text, and the result is then sent back to your phone. This is the same server that Siri uses. So while you are dictating it will use data continuously, and for a while after you stop as it tries to refine the recognition.

But to troubleshoot go to Settings/Cellular and tap Reset Statistics, and turn off Wi-Fi, so all data goes over cellular. As you use the phone note when it is using data. After a few hours go to Settings/Cellular and the apps that have used data will be listed at the top of the page. You can see which ones used the most.

357 replies

Jan 3, 2021 10:56 AM in response to machinist_5

Just wanted to reply to this thread to keep it active so it gets more notice. I also have an iPhone SE (2020) with the spinning network activity icon. Only been an issue since updating to iOS 14. My iPad on iOS 14 however does not have this issue. I have done every troubleshooting step in the book. I have talked to senior Apple tech support who even did an analysis on my phone remotely so data could be sent to the engineers. The reply back after analysis was a standard form response about how "many things on the phone use network data and is a normal process of the phone." Really, guys? As a last resort I recently wiped my phone complely and set up as a new phone. It did not change a thing. Here's hoping Apple finally takes this issue seriously and provides a fix in a future update. (Very weird that so many iPhone SE 2020 users are reporting the issue.)

Jan 5, 2021 8:49 AM in response to machinist_5

I'm on an Ipad Pro iOS 14.3. I was having the endless spinning wheel just left of the wifi icon also - it has been spinning for a week or more. Taking a cue from the posts here, I turned off Siri in Settings, then powered the device down and up again, then restarted Siri for input using the button only. After a half hour of use, the spinning wheel has not returned! Thanks.

Jan 5, 2021 12:10 PM in response to Machine_Ruse

I have the same problem and just read this forum top to bottom. I have pretty much tried everything suggested including this last suggestion. Nothing has worked. The Siri quickfix does work but that’s a hassle. I am using an iPad Pro 12.9 and having this problem. I have noticed this problem on my iPhone SE as well as my iPad mini. Took me a while to narrow down that the trigger was the use of the dictation. I use dictation heavily every day in my profession. Hope they get it fixed soon.

Jan 5, 2021 1:09 PM in response to machinist_5

Here’s a different view of the spinning icon. There is nothing “pushing” it to spin. It is a standard animated GIF used in many places on iOS devices. It spins entirely on its own. Some function starts it spinning, it then continues on its own until some function stops it from spinning by canceling it. If it continues spinning that means that the function that started it didn’t stop it, it does not mean that something is pushing it to keeping it going. So it doesn’t necessarily mean that anything is happening, just that whatever started it didn’t cancel it. If what started it is dictation, then the dictation “listener” is still running, but (in iOS 14, at least) if the orange dot near the battery icon isn’t on then the microphone is off and nothing is listening, the process is still running, however.

Jan 5, 2021 2:17 PM in response to Podgirlfromtheblacklagoon

The trouble is, Podgirlfromtheblacklagoon, that posting «on this thread» contributes nothing to «get[ting] it fixed.»

In fact, the more people post «on this thread», without providing direct Feedback to Apple (through their provided Feedback mechanisms), the more strong the evidence that such people aren’t truly interested in «get[ting] it fixed.»

In other words, posting «on this thread» is actually counterproductive.

Jan 5, 2021 2:37 PM in response to stein2908

stein2908 wrote:

I don't see your logic. People can use both mechanisms, they are not mutually exclusive. I found your post unhelpful to the subject.

The problem is that this Forum is not a mechanism for providing Feedback to Apple!

This forum is intended for quite a different purpose.

When there is no available workaround—what we, your fellow users here, can provide help with—then there is no legitimate use for posting «on this thread».

Hence, to whatever extent Apple may monitor such use, such demonstrates a negative impression of those using this forum for such an illegitimate purpose.

So, if you wish to contribute to that negative impression, then, go ahead and keep using this forum for such an illegitimate purpose.

Jan 5, 2021 3:37 PM in response to machinist_5

The irony of telling someone else they are leaving a bad impression...

As was already pointed out, posting and discussing on this forum and providing feedback to Apple are not mutually exclusive. In fact, it is helpful to continue posting on this thread, in order to let other people know what solutions have been tried, and to confirm or dispel the conditions under which the problem occurs.

And I'm with Lawrence Finch on his last comment. I believe what he described is exactly what is going on. It's certainly possible the microphone is still active and that the indicator is not just displaying, but as much as I don't trust Big Tech, I still don't think that is likely.

Jan 5, 2021 4:32 PM in response to Podgirlfromtheblacklagoon

Podgirlfromtheblacklagoon wrote:

… But I don't feel it helps for people to constantly be saying "don't worry about it".

Life is too short to «worry about» every-little-thing.

One should choose what is most important, and do something about such. Leave the rest as not being worth «worry[ing] about».

How you classify such, is up to you.

Jan 5, 2021 4:50 PM in response to Machine_Ruse

Machine_Ruse wrote:


As was already pointed out, posting and discussing on this forum and providing feedback to Apple are not mutually exclusive. …

While it is quite true that they are not »mutually exclusive», they do serve very different purposes!

Additionally, using «this forum» for illegitimate purposes—such as complaining—rather that using the appropriate mechanisms for «providing feedback to Apple», is detrimental to any cause of trying to elicit changes from Apple.

… In fact, it is helpful to continue posting on this thread, in order to let other people know what solutions have been tried, and to confirm or dispel the conditions under which the problem occurs.

Yes! That is a legitimate use of «this forum»!

And I'm with Lawrence Finch on his last comment. I believe what he described is exactly what is going on. …

I think Lawrence Finch is on to something, as well: event triggered, but close of even may not have been triggered.

This is still a “bug”, but of a far more benign sort.

It's certainly possible the microphone is still active and that the indicator is not just displaying, but as much as I don't trust Big Tech, I still don't think that is likely.

Since the microphone indicator is more tightly keyed into the particular hardware, I agree that it is less likely that it is misreading the situation.

spinning wheel icon next to wi-fi indicating network activity

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