Text message possible Malware
I received a text message stating that a PayPal payment of $19.99 was made to Almyaha (unsure of spelling) if you did not make this payment please visit: (a URL link). I was watching TV and not thinking before I tapped a link and a bright red Deceptive!! page opened in Safari. I immediately closed all browser windows and cleared website data and history. I then went back and tapped the blue Report link below the message. A blue form opened up showing the number, an option to input name, a description text box, and an option to choose Report Spam or something else I can’t remember (Report unsafe maybe?), but that’s the one I chose. While typing in the description box, my keyboard kept opening and closing, leading me to fear malware. A search for how to remove it from my iPhone 11 led me here. I deleted the text. Anything else I should do?
iPhone 11, iOS 13