It doesn't take much to understand that if your battery drains from 88 percent to 30 percent while IDLE and not being used in the middle of the night, that there's a problem. Doesn't take a level 10 to understand that. It's a problem that needs fixed. This entire thread is exactly about trying to SOLVE that problem. Some level 10's dismiss any discussion about it and write people off as un-intelligent because they don't agree with your bandaid approach of constantly having to plug the phone in. Is it helpful to write people off who are looking for a real solution? Does that qualify as "helping people for many years?" And I'm about to leave this forum for good, as it seems to have some level 10s that are quite dismissive of any other opinion than theirs in regards to my comments. All I got was grief from this forum, and all because I dared to want to solve a big problem with my phone. Shame on me. I should just be quiet and plug my phone in and do as the level 10s say, because they're the smart ones.