blurry pictures on camera iphone 12 pro
iPhone 12 pro has blurry pictures from camera
iPhone 12 pro has blurry pictures from camera
You Guys,
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You Guys,
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I think i have found the solution to fix it.
To explain my situation.
i'm also affected by the blurry image syndrome on my iphone 12 pro. now for me this issue only occurs on my main camera. the 1x. the wide camera and tele work just fine.
one minute i open the camera app and everything works fine on my screen
and the other all my images are blurry. meaning i cant take photos with my main camera. wide and telephoto work just fine.
my problem is it comes and goes as it pleases and it always occurs when i really want to capture that magic moment with the kids or dog or anything else i want to capture. i wanted to show a buddy of mine the issue but ofcourse in that moment the main camera worked fine. i also i cant replicate it.
What i noticed is that I always have the mute switch on on the left side of my iphone 12 pro.
When I opened up the camera app just now to try to take a pic of our dog and saw it was again blurry/fuzzy/out of focus. :(
I don't know why but when I flipped the mute switch to off it immediately snapped back in to focus.
Now why the mute switch has any relation with taking a sharp image I truly don't know.
If there are any Apple geniuses on here or customer service reps you might want to take a look at this.
To all the people who have the blurry image issues please give my fix a try.
It worked for me!
Here is a comparison between my wife's iPhone 12 Mini and my iPhone 12 Pro, same exact camera settings under settings.
Top image 12 pro 6mm
Bottom Mini 4.2 mm
White balance is different and much more chromatic aberration noticeable on 12 Pro in trees, more noticeable in other images.
Hi Judy,
I have the same problem. The wide camera and tele photo camera work just fine. It's just the main camera that is out of focus.
and the weird thing is it comes and goes. one minute its fine the other its blurry again.
so what can we do?! I was looking forward to getting rid of all my cameras and equipment when I bought the iphone 12 pro but I’m not impressed by the picture quality at all. My pictures are blurry even when I’m using a tripod.
Same issue here. Pictures are blurry most of the time with the regular cam. I did notice that in most cases the setting for it to adjust for lighting was kicking in which made the picture process take more time and if I moved at all it made it blurry. I tired that off and it seemed to help. Seems like that feature is not working well.
Exactly!!! The pictures are not focused enough. I was expecting the camera to wow me like the pics they show at the Apple events. I know they have pros taking the pics and editing them but still, you know?
I am having this same issue. It’s as though the camera isn’t what it should be. Almost as if there is a glare. I just compared my sons iPhone XR are with my iPhone 12 pro and his photos are much more cleaner than the 12 pro. Starting to sound like Apple may have a Camera issue going on with several other iPhones.
this is one example. I know he was probably not perfectly still but this is what old school cameras from my youth used to do. My old iPhone 6 was able to take much less blurry pictures of my toddler. HELP!
I went to the Apple store and got my phone replaced. They did replace it with a new phone, and It still doesn’t take awesome pictures. I don’t ever remember my other phone taking them so poorly. Outside the pictures are crisp and good but the indoor photos really do suck.
Just got my 12 Pro, haven't had issues with close up at least from what I can see. However, today I got a chance to get outside and try it on landscape images. Pretty disappointing. Maybe it was just me being use to my DSLR but almost every image was out of focus or soft.
I was looking around why some photo, especially on portrait mode, were blurry.
did many tests and changed settings. Also tried other camera apps to see if it would help.
with these settings, the focus works much better, also in portrait. Try disabling everything for the photos. See screenshot. Hope it helps for you.
also I learned that portrait works best with bright, outside light.
I have the same camera problem with my new 12 pro. I had an iPhone I 11, and I loved taking pictures, and mostly they look fantastic. I decided to upgrade to 12 pro only for the camera, as I believed this would be one of the significant updates. Unfortunately, now I'm at the point to downgrade bake to iPhone 11 pro. I have also notice that when uploading photos to a story on Facebook, it make the image very blurry and dim the colors:
I have been struggling with this for months… I finally got Verizon to swap out my phones. The new one seems to be a little bit better, but you will never get an on blurry close-up. I’m going to attach screenshots of my camera settings. It’s adequate at best. Next to my daughters 11, it seems to be a little better whereas before, it was definitely worse. Apple screwed the pooch on this.
Exactly!!! The pictures are not focused enough. I was expecting the camera to wow me like the pics they show at the Apple events. I know they have pros taking the pics and editing them but still, you know?
blurry pictures on camera iphone 12 pro