Swapping Apple IDs
I have two Apple IDs A (xxxx@mac.com) and B (yyyy@foo.com). The first I use for iCloud the second i use for subscriptions and media purchases. (Yes, this is a legacy of the old Mac/iTunes account nonsense.)
What I want to do is associate the email address xxxx@mac.com with Apple ID B and (eventually) delete Apple ID A. There are no purchases associated with Apple ID A, so I won’t lose access to anything. All of my purchases are associated with Apple ID B.
Can I do this?
- Set the email of Apple ID A to placeholder@foo.com (i have access to this email account)
- Set the email of Apple ID B to xxxx@mac.com
- Use Apple ID B for iCloud functions with email address xxxx@mac.com
- Delete Apple ID A
I cannot see any reason why I can’t do this, but I wonder of anyone else has ever tried to do this.