I also have some screen issues :
– When I initially boot the Mac mini, my screen disconnects and reconnects before and after I log in my account. I get this issue each time I power my Mac mini on.
– Pink squares appear also during booting, but disappear as soon as I'm logged in. Also get this each time I boot up.
– During use, I sometimes get random thin horizontal black&white lines running on my screen and when it gets worse, I get display issues and my screen disconnects and reconnects. Sometimes it happens 3 times in a minute, and sometimes I can have an entire day without this problem.
My monitor was connected before to a mid-2014 MBP without any problems, so I don't think it can take the blame.
It is connected via an HDMI cable that has served my well over the years without any problem either.
I called the Apple Care to ask if they were aware of these issues and if they thought it was a software or hardware problem and if I should replace my Mac mini since it's brand new. They made me run the diagnostic, which showed no issue on my mac, then they asked me to verify if the resolution was the right one (it was), and told me it was probably my mac and forwarded me to another person so I could return it. So I did. I'll get a replacement soon, we'll see if the issue is still there or not.
I have no idea if returning was the best solution, since I had no other issues than that, but to be honest my experience with the Apple Care call wasn't really satisfying and I was left with more questions than before the call. I thought they could help me determine where the issue was and thus help me decide what to do (if they told me it was a software issue I'd have waited for an update fix, if they had told me it seemed to be hardware I'd have returned it, and if they had told me they really didn't know, I'd have asked if I could return it within the warranty if the problem hadn't been solved with later updates), but they didn't really answered my questions and just forwarded my after saying they weren't sure.