Mate, it’s fake. Very very good fake.
as I said earlier, now the SN doesn’t guarantee anything.
Follow simple steps to see if you have bought fake.
1) use 3utools. Open “accessories check” utility. It will show you results in a second.
2) no 3utools? Connect airpods. Open Bluetooth settings of your airpods. Go to the lines about the airpods. Tap SN. It must change from case to L and R airpods after each tap. Tap on firmware version. It must change to case firmware. There is no exclusion.
each earbud must have unique SN printed on them. If they are the same - fake.
3) google search for firmware versions numbers to see that yours never exist
if you bought at official store - seems that it’s a big gap in supplier chain. And yes, I reported the issue to Apple when found out this. I don’t think they’ll do anything.
try to make return and refund. Otherwise report “fraud” to authorities.