Numbers budget Transactions sheet not retaining Pop-up categories
Converting to Numbers from iBank. Trying to get the Transactions sheet column C to auto-fill, if that feature is available, or to remember and offer my complete Categories list as a drop-down (Pop-Up?) menu.
I successfully edited Category names on Summary by Category sheet. Then I opened Transactions, deleted all sample entries, and began "test driving" by making entries based on my own recent spending. When I place my cursor in the Category cell and begin typing, no text is entered; it behaves as frozen. So I tried Format > Cell > Data Format > Pop-Up Menu and began using the +/- buttons to edit Category names, replacing all default items with my own, exactly copying each name from the Summary by Category sheet. It looked fine, but when I exit Data Format, moving my cursor to the Transactions sheet to make a new entry, hoping and expecting to be able to employ the Category names just loaded into Pop-Up Menu, again I experience freeze-out at the Category cell: Date and Description accept text, but Category does not allow text entry, nor does the small "down arrow" icon furnish the Pop-Up Menu of categories I created.
Maybe I stumbled onto the beginnings of a solution: when all else seems to have failed, I clicked on the column heading "C" to select the entire column, then selected "Merge Menu Items" up in the sidebar Data Format section. Instantly the window below Pop-Up Menu is populated correctly with all of my remembered category names. But I still can't begin typing and get auto-fill for a category at this point; but if I hit the Space Bar on the keyboard instead of an alpha key, up comes a pop-up menu allowing me to select a category, which is auto-entered as needed. I am left with the impression that I'm still doing something wrong, and there must be a simpler, more reliable/consistent way to enter Category names for each new transaction without a bunch of column-selecting and menu.
Any guidance? Advance thanks for the generosity of spirit and skill given here.
iMac 21.5″, macOS 10.13