Menu bar cut off on right of display, both with and without external monitor connected
With Mac OS Big Sur 11.0.1 (on the new 2020 Mac Air with new processor), I am experiencing a screen resolution problem.
- Immediately after reboot it is OK, but after connecting to a USB-C Sony 4k TV (extension not mirror), the resolution of my primary (laptop) monitor gets reset to a value that is too big for the screen.
- Connecting or reconnecting or unplugging the external monitor has no effect on the laptop screen.
- I have already tried 'default for display' and the various 'scaled' options, but it appears that Big Sur annoyingly doesn't allow you access to manually setting resolutions any more.
- Rebooting the Mac Air solves the resolution problem until I plug in the external monitor again.
Anything I can do?
MacBook Air