I’ve been suffering from this problem since the first of the year, maybe even since December. My record so far is having my Apple ID locked eight times in a single day, necessitating signing in again on multiple devices each time. It varies. And sometimes things get quiet for a week or so, only to start up again.
Under Apple’s security protocols for iCloud the only “fix” is to change one’s Apple ID. But I’ve had this email address since the paid ME.COM days, and I’m loathe to change that.
This built-in denial of service “service” really is unacceptable, and has been exploited for years now. But Apple hasn’t, to my knowledge, even acknowledged the problem, much less set out to correct it. I can only assume it hasn’t reached critical mass for Apple.
I much prefer Gmail’s method of emailing the user, noting the problem, and outlines responses possible. (Mind you, that’s the only thing I like about Gmail.)
I'm not worried about anyone ever guessing my passphrase.
Has anyone heard anything at all from Apple regarding this?