Your payment method was declined
Windows Vista
Windows Vista
i need some help to solve this problem
I found one of the problems. When you have no money left on your creditcard that is connected to Itunes, You cant DOWNLOD free apps, OUR updates to your already purchased Apps. THIS IS SOOOOO STUPID and makes No, Sence.. So you need to have money on your card... Apple i just lost all respect for you.
when this problem will end .........
now new thing (payment processing is temporarily unavailable. please try againe later)
Today I would like to install one free application as well. But my iPad show. Your payment method was declined. Please enter another payment method. As well. Omg. How can I do?
You are right. Login to the online banking and unlock card for internet payment solf the problem !! Thanks
Same here,
Even I'm getting the same error for last few weeks.
Urgh, I got mine fixed before but it is happening again. Before it was an address problem, now it is because I owe something from a recent purchase. When will it end.
It's strange. It is suddenly working again. I was trying to follow someone's suggestion based on an Apple Support response. It didn't work. I got as far as the payment info update page on Apple's online store but I couldn't find my country listed on the UK version (the American version was locked to US) so I moved from away from the page. I was looking for a Nigerian version of the same page when I thought see whether it had worked anyway. I check and 'presto' my card is working again. I also left it alone for about 30 minutes due to my internet being messed with by rain. I don't know what really made it work but I am glad it is working again.
This has been a problem for me for over 6 days now and it's the second time it has happened to me :/ hope apple fixes this problem and last time if this works for anyone which did for me the first time but not this time was tht I re-entered all billing information but I have heard it is a bug problem and something about the coding in the update that has just happened but what ever it is I hope it is resolved soon I can't even update my apps that I've already got :(
I have had the same problem since Tuesday, downloaded apps fine from the App Store fine on Monday but since then i am getting the "payment declined" message. I have checked, rechecked and added my card details again and still this problem. Is there anyone i can contact or is this going to resolve itself?
It happened to me a few months ago but then righted itself.
Very frustrating.
I don't think it is resolving on its own. As far as contacting someone, good luck! I sent an email to only god knows who from a link I stumbled upon on the apple website explaining my situation, the response I got back was to use a different credit card, which I had already tried with failed attempts and their other "solution" was to just go out and buy an itunes gift card and go about it that way! Seriously!! I live on my ipod and that is what I finally had to do if I wanted to download anything. That was 2 months ago and I am still having to buy myself gift cards if I want to get anything. I'm OVER it. Best of luck to you, I did read somewhere on here from a year ago that someone went under acct settings and entered a new email etc, essentially setting up a new acct and it started excepting their card again after that?!?
This experience was ver frustrating. The red problem box popped up indicating that my credit card was not acceptable. I contacted my bank and they said itunes approved it 8 times. So then I contacted support but getting through to a live person was nearlt impossible and they redirected me to online support. That is fine except I do not know what my operating system is but really? I do not care. I kept trying and finally got through to a person. They said it was my address was not coinciding with the bank. I told the support I have made several purchases without encountering this problem. I tried changing - eliminating my 2nd ( the street address)- no luck. It turned out as my town has 2 zipcodes it was coming up as a wrong zipcode. Problem solved
Check your address and zipcodes to make sure they are the same as on your bank statement
It's actually so simple fix, can't believe support folks could't help me with this problem since last month.. Finally I have figured it out and now all works:)
The problem begins if you recently changed your computer or downloaded itunes to a new computer. Basically if you authorized two computers it is very likely that you will have this problem. Just go to your old computer deauthoritize the computer and REMOVE Itunes from that computer. Then go to your new computer and edit your itunes account payment info. AND HERE WE GOOOO. Hope this helps. BEST
Your payment method was declined