Your payment method was declined
Windows Vista
Windows Vista
Glad to hear your problem is solved. Last I checked they still refuse VISA cards. Just a matter of time before they reject Mastercards as well.
Apple, you're scaring honest payers away, you hear? You don't want people stealing your apps away? Fix your server now!
Today I updated the billing info payment with the same informations which was declined by apple. Suddenly, it saved my update. Now I can buy not free applications. It's so weird. So the tips are you just keep updating the billing info payment until it can be saved. Try it everytime!
I did email to the apple support and the just reply with the steps that do not solved the problem.
I hope that the error "declined payment method" never happen again!
The problem was with the bank. I called them and they said that my credit/debit card is bocked for international shopping. So i told them to activate i and it started working.
This morning I updated my billing information using same card & dunno why iTunes/Appstore accepted it.
I guess there must be something wrong with iTunes/appstore billing system & I think this will become Apple homework otherwise people will turn to jailbreak mode or even worse, change to Android.
I had called the bank and there's nothing wrong with my cc. The last i bought the apple apps was 31 Oct 2012. And afterthat i couldn't buy anything. Now I'm relieved and download several apps at once just in case the error will appear again. :p
It seems this problem has been fixed. Recently I tried to buy apps on iTunes with VISA credit card and it worked.
I think there's a bug in the iTunes Payment Method Function not a dispute with Visa. In my case, which was a very frustrating couple of weeks, what solved the "Payment Method Declined" issue is to switch it to NONE, then save, then change whatsoever detail you have in your apple id info (mine was my phone number), and then save, then I input my credit card details and when I save, it works.
Funny thing is, apple support told me to match my credit card account info with my apple id info, but the phone number I input was not even in my credit card account info. I guess those steps is just a way to clean iTunes's cache or whatever...
So when you change to master card, that cleans the iTunes's cache.
you sir are an epic problem solver, thanks
I've had this problem for months. The thing is, it works, then it doesn't work, then it works again. The last time I could purchase anything, was about a day ago. Then it's not working again. I've emailed Apple Support, and someone replied that they've not received a payment order with some sort of code, and I should contact my financial institution to find the real problem.
Hey, just email the apple support. My visa was decline for about 2 weeks. And I send email to them. It was Jabar reply my email just few hours. He said that he has made some adjusment for my account. Once I got the reply, I try to confirm my visa and... Still declined. Tommorow morning I retry, and bingo! It works. Just contact them. It's not bank problem. It is apple problem, I think.
Same roblem here. Posting from Thailand :(
Ive got exactly the same problem, i have a UK Apple ID and until two days ago all was good. Then suddenly I can't even upgrade or download free apps without it saying your billing details have been declined. How does one remove the current details and save it like that?
Same here. Tried changing to None and MasterCard or Amex cc's and nothing worked out.
Same here ! Your payment method was declined ! Please enter another payment method ! in past i bought a lots of apps from AppStore ! i have money on card and now i cant used my old card. This it wont works since i bought my new iphone !
i just tried ALL the best practices here above - nothing worked, my master card was declined - I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND ??? there is enough money on it to pay for 6 eur application, I am allowed to do international payments with the card, I changed smthg in my account then saved , then connected again, then tried the NONE (payment method) NOTHING WORKS - HELLO APPLE PEOPLE do you really want to sell your apps ? this is really really weird way of doing business. Anyways if someone from the help desk is reading this - you may try to send me a sollution , and I will see if I still want to buy whaterver ...
Your payment method was declined