Your payment method was declined
Windows Vista
Windows Vista
Please help me I'm facing the same problem. Before I was buying with out any problem but now I can't every thing is ok. But the message appears to me when I'm trying to buy something. I need help as soon as possible.
I use someone else's account and i ask him permission before buying. So i dont really know what to do. I do sometimes buy apps but after a few months of trying. I am furious right now coz the thing i want to buy is timed out. It says "Sign in to view billing information" "Cancel" or "Continue . I press continue after that. It then says "There is a billing problem with a previous purchase. Please update your payment method. I dont even know a previous purchase it is talking about. I put the security code and press done
Thats when it say " Your payment method was declined". Please enter another payment method. I am angry coz as i said i was gonna purchase something expiring in a few days
i have found i get this error whenever I have to make an update to IOS system on my ipad and transactions unbeknownst to me are still outstanding
so lesson i have learnt
1) don't make any updates to current device/or try to log onto new device whilst any payments for apps/ or cash to gaming apps etc are still outstanding- try and do updates perhaps first thing in the morning before you start transacting
2) to clear - try waiting 24 hours it may just clear by itself - if not try adding in any other card to your account ie try brorrowing your partners & save those detials so that it "clears" any records it may be holding. for your card;
3) then go back and re enter your card data - should now clear - i find on my ipad i have to do that in settings/ itunes account/payment details and also on itunes webpage via safari - not sure why but i seem to need to do it in two places to clear the account
I went to my Credit Card provider and changed my information to a new address.
I then went to my Apple Account online here and also updated the address.
I lastly went to my iTunes Account on my iPod Touch, typed in the new address as it was on my Credit Card and the site, and typed in my Credit Card number and everything matched on both sites above.
So when I go to save, I get it's declined. Now this is really freaking annoying. Everything matches, everything looks the same, everything is fine, and no. No, it declines, it reverts back to my old address from an Iceage ago, my old card which is no longer on this planet so why it accepts that I will never know, and back to my old cell phone.
Gosh Darn it Apple.. you are really annoying!!
My life has never been so miserable. Although I hate android phones, I'm considering switching to android because I can't even download apps, so I'm left behind. My data costs are at an all time high cause I have to use the Internet for Instagram and twitter... This is so ridiculous. iPhone is supposed to be worth it, but it's actually just making me feel worthless. S4 maybe? I think so.
When I first found out that my payment method was declined, I thought I would give it a few days to see if maybe things changed. Today, checked again and say it was still the same, and I did everything I could to fix it but I can't :( my card. Has the correct info and it's still declined! I just recently got my iPhone and all glad I was part of team apple since everyone I knew had iPhones, but now I'm considering switching back to android if this payment declined problem doesn't get fixed soon.
Hi Lady-Leafeon,
Your best bet is to contact iTunes Support. They should be able to help you sort this out:
Cheers and best of luck!
Your best bet is to contact your bank and verify credit card details to the letter. Your second best bet is to verify that there is a balance on the card and your third best bet buy Android. Itunes support will not be able to tell you why card is declined according to Gail's own words "vendor does not see anymore information, but cc declined".
Your worst bet is to wait for situation to resolve itself, unless during that time your parents will put money on that card.
guys i use a id with NONE option but when i tried to get my VISE info i was saying my card was declined,it is not even accepting my card
can some one help me out....!!!!
Just figured this out. I was getting the "credit card declined" message. Something about the payment method had tripped the fraud detection system at the bank. I called my bank and indeed my account had been frozen. This is after years of purchases on the same credit card. I have to go to my bank and they verify my identity to unfreeze the credit card account.
I have a black iPhone 4. I have a visa debit. Which was correctly put in. It said it worked when I bought something for 99 cents. I had way over that. But then when I tried to download FREE apps. It said their was a problem with a past purchase. I have no idea what I'm suppose to do to check this. I'd really like to be able to get this sorted so I can update things.
guys only credit cards do the trick or debit card can be used????i have been trying with my debit card but...your payment has been declined,please enter another payment method...!!!!!
Hi all. I got the same problem. I found out that this started happening when Apple released the new terms and conditions of App Store. After struggling and entering my billing information 10 times, I went and read the new terms and conditions.
I GOT IT!! My problem is that now Apple decided that they will only accept VISA cards issued in the country which store you are registered to...In my case I am an expatriate and I dont have a VISA issued by a bank of the country I live in... but my postal address registered at my bank is of course my address in this country, so I cannot either change the country for the App Store...
Meaning that I will have to issue a new VISA just to buy apps...? NO WAY. Maybe better just move to Android...
I am fed up with so many limitations and weird ways of controlling customers.
So annoying still have notgot it fixed
i'm from the philippines and i'm being prompted as well that there was a problem with my previous purchased whenever i try to update my apps or purchase something on itunes. i have sufficient funds on my card and even tried to use a different cc but it still did not go through. now i have loads of apps which are not updated. this is really annoying. ;(
Your payment method was declined